SANER 2025
Tue 4 - Fri 7 March 2025 Montréal, Québec, Canada
Thu 6 Mar 2025 16:00 - 16:07 at M-2401 - Short Paper & Posters Chair(s): Leuson Da Silva

Black-box Test Suite Minimization (TSM) aims to remove redundant test cases from a test suite while retaining its fault detection capability without analyzing the production code. This makes it particularly efficient to be used in industry projects. These techniques utilize metrics such as test history, commit complexity or test code diversity (or similarity) to guide test case selection. Similarly, change-proneness (CP) can also guide to successful test case selection as it indicates the likelihood of having faults. We propose CP as a metric for TSM and implement into an approach, Change-proneness based Test suite Minimization (CTM), where relationships between test cases and their depending classes are measured using CP values. CTM first calculates class-level CP, followed by identifying the dependency between the test cases and classes. Then the association between test cases and their related classes are calculated using various statistical measures such as geometric mean etc. Finally test cases with the highest association values are selected. To demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of CP as a TSM metric, we compared CTM with state of the art, AST-based Test case Minimizer (ATM) on 15 Java projects with 617 versions. The experimental results demonstrate that CTM achieves the same average fault detection accuracy as ATM (0.67) while reducing execution time by 114.5 folds.

Thu 6 Mar

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16:00 - 17:00
Short Paper & PostersShort Papers and Posters Track at M-2401
Chair(s): Leuson Da Silva Polytechnique Montreal
An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Change-proneness as a Metric in Black-box Test Suite Minimization
Short Papers and Posters Track
Md Siam University of Dhaka, Mridha Md. Nafis Fuad University of Dhaka, Kazi Sakib
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Evaluating Multi-Modal LLMs for Automatically Recognizing Semantic Elements in UML Use Case Diagram Images
Short Papers and Posters Track
MultiMal: Multimodal Fusion Combining Graph and Entropy Features for Malware Detection
Short Papers and Posters Track
He Kaiyan Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Haining Lu Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dawu Gu Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Reduce before you repair: advantages of combining program slicing with automated program repair
Short Papers and Posters Track
Omar I. Al Bataineh Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
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Towards Developing Effective Oracles to Reduce Patch Overfitting in Automated Program Repair
Short Papers and Posters Track
Omar I. Al Bataineh Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
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Towards Using LLMs in the Reverse Engineering of Software Systems to Object Constraint Language
Short Papers and Posters Track
Hanan Abdulwahab Siala PhD Student in King's College London, Dr Kevin Lano King's College London
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