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SLE 2019
Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2019 Athens, Greece
co-located with SPLASH 2019
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Results (100)

Berger, Thorsten
Chalmers | University of GothenburgSweden
Burgueño, Lola
Open University of Catalonia, Spain
Catala, Alejandro
Human Media Interaction - University of Twente
Cimini, Matteo
University of Massachusetts LowellUnited States
Diekmann, Lukas
King's College LondonUnited Kingdom
Dingel, Juergen
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Garcia, Sergio
Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Menghi, Claudio
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Nierstrasz, Oscar
University of Bern, SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S.
The University of Hong Kong, Hong KongHong Kong
Papoulias, Nick
Université Grenoble Alpes, FranceFrance
Pelliccione, Patrizio
Chalmers | University of GothenburgItaly
Porubän, Jaroslav
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
Régis-Gianas, Yann
IRIF, University Paris Diderot and CNRS, France / INRIA PI.R2France
Sanchez, Beatriz
University of YorkUnited Kingdom
Schordan, Markus
Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryUnited States
Schütze, Lars
Technische Universität DresdenGermany
Servetto, Marco
Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand
Staab, Steffen
University of Koblenz-Landau and University of Southampton, Germany
Tratt, Laurence
King's College LondonUnited Kingdom
Vallecillo, Antonio
University of Málaga, SpainSpain
Zadahmad Jafarlou, Manouchehr
Université de MontréalCanada