Registered user since Wed 6 Feb 2019
Ferrari is senior research scientist at CNR-ISTI (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell’Informazione “A. Faedo”, Pisa, Italy -, where he worked as post-doc researcher and temporary research scientist since 2011.
He received his Ph. D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Florence, Italy, in 2011. During the Ph. D., he worked as system engineer at General Electric Transportation Systems (GETS) s.p.a., a world leading railway signalling company.
His primary research interests are: applications of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to requirements engineering (RE); user and customer interviews in RE; RE education and training; empirical formal methods and empirical software engineering.
He is part of the EU DESIRA and CODECS projects on sustainability. He has recently been WP leader of the European Project ASTRail, funded by the Shift2Rail Programme, and participated in other EU projects, such as Learn PAd, about business process models applied to public administration procedures, and 4SecuRail, about formal methods in railways.
He regularly serves in the PC of ICSE, IEEE RE, REFSQ, AIRE, is one of the founders of the NLP4RE workshop series, has been the Local Organiser of REFSQ 2020, and Program Chair of REFSQ 2023. He is highly involved in open science, and has been Artifact Evaluation Chair of FormaliSE 2023, RE 2022, and iFM 2022. He is also part of the TOSEM Replicated Computational Results Distinguished Reviewers Board. Youtube Channel for Empirical Software Engineering Lectures:
SlideShare Page for slides:
ResearchGate for preprints:
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Requirements Engineering
Mining Software Repositories
Requirements Engineering
- Session Chair of Session 1: Welcome + Keynote + workshop activity (part of MO2RE 2024)
- Session Chair of Session 2: Architecture&Evolution + workshop activity (part of MO2RE 2024)
- Session Chair of Session 4: Requirements for compliance and code + workshop activity + closing (part of MO2RE 2024)
- Author of Welcome to the 1st edition of MO2RE within the MO2RE 2024-track
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
- PC Member in Programme Committee within the Research Track-track
- Author of The Return of Formal Requirements Engineering in the Era of Large Language Models within the Research Track-track
- Open Science Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Author of Assessing the Understandability of Attack-Defense Trees for Modelling Security Requirements: an Experimental Investigation within the Research Track-track
- Open Science Co-Chair in Open Science Co-Chair within the Open Science-track
Requirements Engineering
- Panelist of Panel: Requirements Engineering and Large Language Models: Best of Friends or Worst of Enemies? within the Research Papers-track
- Author of Requirements Classification for Smart Allocation: A Case Study in the Railway Industry within the Industrial Innovation Papers-track
- Organizer of Towards Facilitating Replication in NLP4RE within the Tutorials-track
- Author of ModeLLer – a Prototype to Support Requirements Elicitation in Co-design Environments within the Posters and Tool Demos-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Research Papers-track
- Author of Eliciting the Double-edged Impact of Digitalisation: a Case Study in Rural Areas within the Research Papers-track
- Author of Strategies, Benefits and Challenges of App Store-inspired Requirements Elicitation within the Technical Track-track
- Program Committee Member in Technical Track within the Technical Track-track
- Author of Strategies, Benefits and Challenges of App Store-inspired Requirements Elicitation - Artifact within the Artifact Evaluation-track
International Conference on Program Comprehension
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
Requirements Engineering
- Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair in Track Co-Chairs within the Artifacts-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Industrial Innovation Papers-track
- Presenter of Requirements Elicitation Interviews: a Hands-on Tutorial with the SaPeer Method within the Tutorials-track
- Co-chair of AIRE 2022 - 9th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Requirements Engineering within the Workshops-track
- Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
Mining Software Repositories
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
- Author of A Zero-Shot Learning Approach to Classifying Requirements: Preliminary Study within the Research Papers-track
- Author of Towards Explainable Formal Methods: from LTL to Natural Language with Neural Machine Translation within the Research Papers-track
- Committee Member in Programme Committee within the Research Papers-track
Requirements Engineering
- Author of The Rise and Fall of COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Apps: when NFRs Collide with Pandemic within the Research Papers-track
- Session Chair of Requirements Communication (part of Research Papers)
- PC Member in Program Committee within the Research Papers-track
- Author of From Ideas to Expressed Needs: an Empirical Study on the Evolution of Requirements during Elicitation within the Research Papers-track
Mining Software Repositories
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
- Author of SaPeer Approach for Training Requirements Analysts: an Application Tailored to a Low-resource Context within the Research Papers-track
- OpenRE Co-Chairs in OpenRE Co-Chairs within the OpenRE-track
- Programme Committee in Programme Committee within the Research Papers-track
- OpenRE Co-Chairs in Organizing Committee
- Session Chair of NLP4RE Workshop (part of Workshops )
- Session Chair of OpenRE (part of OpenRE)
- Author of Is Requirements Similarity a Good Proxy for Software Similarity? An Empirical Investigation in Industry within the Research Papers-track