Research PapersRequirements Engineering 2021
Wed 22 SepDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
08:20 - 09:20 | |||
08:20 30mTalk | What’s up with Requirements Engineering for Artificial Intelligence Systems?Research Paper Research Papers Khlood Ahmad Deakin University, Muneera Bano School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University, Australia, Chetan Arora Deakin University, John Grundy Monash University | ||
08:50 30mTalk | Non-functional Requirements for Machine Learning: Understanding Current Use and Challenges in IndustryResearch Paper Research Papers Khan Mohammad Habibullah University of Gothenburg, Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg Pre-print |
08:20 - 09:20 | Model-basedResearch Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers at Hesburgh Library Chair(s): Luciana Provenzano Mälardalen University | ||
08:20 30mTalk | What the open domain model can tell us about the missing software requirements: A Preliminary study Research Papers Ziyan Zhao Beihang University, China, Xiaoli Lian Beihang University, China, Li Zhang Beihang University Media Attached |
09:30 - 10:30 | |||
09:30 30mResearch paper | The practical role of context modeling in the elicitation of context-aware functionalities: a surveyResearch Paper Research Papers Rodrigo Falcão Fraunhofer IESE, Karina Villela Fraunhofer IESE, Vaninha Vieira Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Marcus Trapp Fraunhofer IESE, Igor Lopes de Faria Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) Pre-print | ||
10:00 30mTalk | Perspectives on Compliance Requirements in Software Engineering Research Papers Evelyn Kempe University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Aaron Massey University of Maryland Baltimore County DOI Media Attached |
12:00 - 13:00 | |||
12:00 30mTalk | Agile Teams' Perception in Privacy Requirements Elicitation: LGPD's compliance in BrazilResearch Paper Research Papers Edna Dias Canedo Computer Science Department - University of Brasília, Angelica Toffano Seidel Calazans University center -- UniCEUB, Anderson Jefferson Cerqueira Computer Science Department - University of Brasília, Pedro Henrique Teixeira Costa UNIVERSITY OF BRASILIA, Eloisa Toffano Seidel Masson University center -- UniCEUB File Attached | ||
12:30 30mTalk | Ambiguity and Generality in Natural Language Privacy PoliciesResearch Paper Research Papers Mitra Bokaei Hosseini St. Mary's University, John Heaps University of Texas at San Antonio, Rocky Slavin University of Texas at San Antonio, Travis Breaux Carnegie Mellon University, Jianwei Niu University of Texas at San Antonio |
12:00 - 13:00 | |||
12:00 30mTalk | Towards Achieving Trust Through Transparency and Ethics Research Papers Media Attached | ||
12:30 30mTalk | TEM: A Transparency Engineering Methodology Enabling Users’ Trust Judgement Research Papers |
Thu 23 SepDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
08:00 - 09:20 | Human BarriersResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers at Basilica Chair(s): Colin C. Venter University of Huddersfield | ||
08:00 30mTalk | The Rise and Fall of COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Apps: when NFRs Collide with PandemicResearch Paper Research Papers Muneera Bano School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Chetan Arora Deakin University, Didar Zowghi University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI | ||
08:30 30mTalk | The Role of Linguistic Relativity on the Identification of Sustainability Requirements: An Empirical StudyResearch Paper Research Papers Yen Dieu Pham University of Hamburg, Abir Bouraffa , Marleen Hillen University of Hamburg, Walid Maalej University of Hamburg |
08:00 - 09:20 | ElicitationResearch Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers / RE@Next! Papers at Golden Dome Chair(s): Paola Spoletini Kennesaw State University | ||
08:00 30mTalk | Reddit as a New Source of User Feedback for Software RequirementsResearch Paper Research Papers Tahira Iqbal University of Tartu, Moniba Iqbal NUST, Kuldar Taveter University of Tartu, Estonia, Norbert Seyff FHNW & University of Zurich |
08:00 - 09:20 | Machine LearningResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers at Hesburgh Library Chair(s): Zhi Jin Peking University | ||
08:00 30mTalk | Classifying User Requirements from Online Feedback in Small Dataset Environments using Deep Learning Research Papers Rohan Reddy Mekala Fraunhofer USA CESE, Asif Irfan Fraunhofer USA Center Mid-Atlantic, Eduard C. Groen Fraunhofer IESE, Adam Porter Fraunhofer USA CESE, Mikael Lindvall Fraunhofer USA CESE Media Attached | ||
08:30 30mTalk | Unsupervised Topic Discovery in User CommentsResearch Paper Research Papers Christoph Stanik University of Hamburg, Germany, Tim Pietz Universität Hamburg, Walid Maalej University of Hamburg |
09:30 - 10:30 | Requirements CommunicationResearch Papers / Journal-First at Basilica Chair(s): Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI | ||
09:30 30mTalk | From Screenplays to Podcasts – New Perspectives on Improving Requirements Communication in Interdisciplinary TeamsResearch Paper Research Papers |
12:00 - 13:00 | TracingResearch Papers at Basilica Chair(s): Emilio Insfran Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain | ||
12:00 30mTalk | Automated Traceability for Domain Modelling Decisions Empowered by Artificial IntelligenceResearch Paper Research Papers Rijul Saini McGill University, Gunter Mussbacher McGill University, Canada, Jin L.C. Guo McGill University, Jörg Kienzle McGill University, Canada | ||
12:30 30mTalk | Design Decisions in the Construction of Traceability Information Models for Safe Automotive SystemsResearch Paper Research Papers Jan-Philipp Steghöfer Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Björn Koopmann OFFIS e.V, Jan Steffen Becker OFFIS e.V, Mikaela Törnlund Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Yulla Ibrahim Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Mazen Mohamad Chalmers and University of Gothenburg |
Fri 24 SepDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
08:00 - 09:20 | Quality RequirementsIndustrial Innovation Papers / Research Papers / RE@Next! Papers at Basilica Chair(s): Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg | ||
08:00 30mTalk | Exploring Explainability: A Definition, a Model, and a Knowledge CatalogueResearch Paper Research Papers Larissa Chazette Leibniz University Hannover, Wasja Brunotte Leibniz University Hannover, Timo Speith Saarland University Pre-print |
08:00 - 09:20 | User StoriesIndustrial Innovation Papers / Research Papers / RE@Next! Papers at Hesburgh Library Chair(s): Chetan Arora Deakin University | ||
08:00 30mTalk | On the impact of using different templates on creating and understanding user storiesResearch Paper Research Papers Catarina Gralha NOVA-LINCS, FCT/UNL, Rita Pereira NOVA LINCS, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Miguel Goulao NOVA-LINCS, FCT/UNL, João Araújo NOVA LINCS, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Pre-print |
09:30 - 10:30 | EvolutionResearch Papers at Basilica Chair(s): Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology | ||
09:30 30mTalk | On the Role of User Feedback in Software Evolution: a Practitioners' PerspectiveResearch Paper Research Papers | ||
10:00 30mTalk | From Ideas to Expressed Needs: an Empirical Study on the Evolution of Requirements during ElicitationResearch Paper Research Papers Sourav Debnath Kennesaw State University, Paola Spoletini Kennesaw State University, Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI |
09:30 - 10:30 | Inspection and TestingIndustrial Innovation Papers / Research Papers at Golden Dome Chair(s): Sylwia Kopczyńska Poznan University of Technology | ||
10:00 30mTalk | Environment-Driven Abstraction Identification for Requirements-Based Testing Research Papers Zedong Peng University of Cincinnati, Prachi Rathod University of Cincinnati, Nan Niu University of Cincinnati, Tanmay Bhowmik Mississippi State University, Hui Liu Beijing Institute of Technology, Lin Shi Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhi Jin Peking University |
12:00 - 13:00 | RE for AllJournal-First / Research Papers at Basilica Chair(s): Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg | ||
12:30 30mTalk | A Survey of Instructional Approaches in the Requirements Engineering Education Literature Research Papers Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Alicia M. Grubb Smith College, Bastian Tenbergen State University of New York at Oswego Media Attached File Attached |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
Categories for Research Papers:
The RE’21 Research Track invites original submissions of research papers in three categories: Technical Solution, Scientific Evaluation, Perspective.
The authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to increase the visibility of their artifacts (software and data) and to obtain an artifact badge. Upon acceptance, the authors can submit their artifacts, which will be evaluated by a committee that determines their sustained availability and reusability.
Submission Instructions
Instructions for the Double-Blind Review Process
Important Policy Announcements
Papers submitted to RE 2021 must be original, and will be reviewed under the assumption that they do not contain plagiarized material, have not been published nor submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for RE 2021.
RE 2021 follows the IEEE policies for cases of double submission and plagiarism
Formatting Instructions
The format of your paper must strictly adhere to the IEEEtran Proceedings Format.
LaTeX users: please use the LaTeX class file IEEEtran v1.8 and the following configuration (without option ‘compsoc’ or ‘compsocconf’):