EASE 2024
Tue 18 - Fri 21 June 2024 Salerno, Italy
Filippo Ricca

Registered user since Fri 24 Nov 2023

Name:Filippo Ricca

Filippo Ricca is an associate professor at the University of Genova, Italy. He is author (or coauthor) of more than 100 research papers published in international journals and conferences/workshops. His H-index (Google scholar; November 2023) is 48. Filippo Ricca has always dealt with testing of Web applications and Test automation where he has given relevant contributions. His ICSE Most Influential Paper (MIP) award winning paper, Analysis and Testing of Web Applications, initiated a new stream of research. Moreover, in 2018 he was awarded the ICST MIP award for the paper State-based Testing of Ajax Web Applications. His research is mainly conducted through: i) development and validation of tools and, ii) empirical methods such as case studies, controlled experiments and surveys

Affiliation:DIBRIS, Università di Genova
Research interests:Software engineering, Software testing, Test Automation, E2E testing, Web application testing, Selenium


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