EASE 2024
Tue 18 - Fri 21 June 2024 Salerno, Italy
Sebastián Pizard

Registered user since Thu 13 Jan 2022

Name:Sebastián Pizard

I’m a teaching assistant of the CS Institute at Udelar, working in the SE Group since 2008. I hold a BSc degree in Computer Engineering from Udelar and a master’s degree in CS from PEDECIBA. I’ve 10 years of experience in the software industry, taking different technical and managerial roles in medium and large software development and maintenance projects for local government agencies. As a Ph.D. candidate, my main research interest is the use of evidence-based practice in SE.

Affiliation:Universidad de la República
Research interests:Teaching and Learning, Evidence Based Practice, Experimental Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering


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