Registered user since Wed 24 Jan 2018
Dr. D. Paul Ralph is an award-winning scientist, author and consultant, a senior lecturer in computer science at The University of Auckland and a visiting assistant professor of management at the University of British Columbia. His research centers on the empirical study of software engineering, game development, and the ethics of technology. Dr. Ralph’s research has been published in premier software engineering and information systems outlets including the International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, the International Conference on Information Systems, the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and Information and Software Technology. He has received funding from Google and The National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Additionally, he has written editorials on technology, education and design for influential outlets including Business Insider, Lifehacker and The Conversation. Dr. Ralph is the founding director of the Auckland Game Lab, co-founder of the AIS Special Interest Group for Game Design and Research (SIGGAME) and a member of the IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering and ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering. Previously, he was a lecturer at the Lancaster University Management School, the highest rated management research institution in the United Kingdom. He holds a PhD in Management from the University of British Columbia.
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