Registered user since Thu 8 Mar 2018
Name:Yan de Lima Justino
A Professional focused in adopting good practices of software engineering; 18 years of experience in building robust corporate software solutions. He is software architect on IVIA, acting on Secretary of State for Taxation of Rio Grande do Norte, where he is responsible for architecting tax systems. In addition to that, he is a master’s degree student of software engineering in a post-graduate program of Metropole Digital Institute (IMD) / UFRN. He supports the local software industry, producing videos and writing articles for blogs and journals. He is also a guest-speaker on academy congresses and industry conferences.
Affiliation:Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Personal website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yanjustino/
Research interests:SOA, Service Orientation, Software Engineering, System of Systems
* ICSE 2018 *-profile
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