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ICGSE 2020
Fri 26 - Sun 28 June 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020
Mohamed El-Geish

Registered user since Tue 9 Jun 2020

Name:Mohamed El-Geish

Mohamed is Director of AI for Cisco’s Contact Center solutions. Cisco has recently acquired Voicea, where Mohamed was a Co-Founder and Chief Architect; he also worked on ASR, NLP, and interacting with EVA (the Enterprise Voice Assistant). At LinkedIn and Microsoft, Mohamed led AI and big data teams that served hundreds of millions of users. Mohamed co-authored a book, Computing with Data (https://computingwithdata.com/), that explores the big data industry; he has also been teaching Deep Learning as a teaching assistant at Stanford.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Cisco Systems, Inc
Personal website: https://elgeish.com
Research interests:Machine Learning



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