Experience Reports provide the opportunity for you to share your practical experience through a paper and accompanying talk at the conference. An experience report is a reflection of your own industry experiences (e.g. challenges you have seen, what you tried and approaches you have taken, what worked and what didn’t work). We invite you to submit an abstract in which you briefly explain your own, unpublished experience related to Global Software Engineering. If your proposal is accepted, you will then be shepherded as you write your report. Experience reports are short papers (maximum 5 pages) that will be published in the conference proceedings.
Questions to Consider
These questions might help you decide how to focus your experience report:
- How did you uniquely adopt, adapt, use global software engineering?
- How have you uniquely tackled architecture, development, design, usability, quality assurance, deployment, marketing, product definition, requirements or documentation in GSE settings?
- What were the challenges you faced? How successful were you in overcoming them? What challenges remain?
- What mistakes did you make? What insights have you gained that others could learn from?
Shepherding of Experience Reports
We know it’s not easy to get an idea to paper. Whether you’re a first-time author or you already have some publications under your belt, we can all benefit from some guidance and help with our writing. ‘Shepherding’ is a process where more experienced authors guide and coach you as you write your experience report paper. If your proposal is accepted, you will be assigned a shepherd to work with you to help you shape your paper and get it ready for publication. Shepherds work closely with authors, reviewing drafts and freely giving advice. Shepherds ask clarifying questions and suggest improvements. But ultimately, it is you, the author, who decides what to tell and how to tell it. A shepherd is not an editor, although they may generously make detailed comments on how to revise your paper. Once the shepherd and the program committee agree that your report is acceptable, you will have time to make final revisions before the paper is published.
Important Dates
January 17th, 2020 (AoE)January 24th, 2020 (AoE) - Abstract/proposal submission deadline- January 31th, 2020 (AoE) - Conditional acceptance notification. Shepherding process begins.
- February 21st, 2020 (AoE) - Go/no-go decision based on whether paper is progressing. We will make a call whether to continue based on the quality of the paper at this date, and the shepherd’s judgment of the paper’s progress. Writing continues. Get paper ready for publication.
- March 15th, 2020 (AoE) - Camera-ready submission deadline
Please see the Call for Contributions for all the details concerning topics of interest, formatting, and submission instructions.
Experience Report Chairs:
Josiane Kroll (Experience Reports co-chair) - University of Manitoba, Canada
Anna Filippova (Experience Reports co-chair) - GitHub, USA
Sat 27 JunDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
06:00 - 09:00 | Session 2Research Papers / Experience Reports / ICSSP / [Joint Event] - ICSSP/ICGSE at ICSSP-ICGSE Chair(s): Tony Clear Auckland University of Technology, Regina Hebig Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Paolo Tell IT University of Copenhagen _ ICGSE Theme: Trust and culture in GSD ICSSP Theme: Enterprise processes for Agile and DevOps | ||
06:15 15mExperience report | Prioritizing trust in a globally distributed software engineering team to overcome complexity and make releases a non-event Experience Reports Prasad Kabbur Siemens Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Mani Vs Siemens Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Juergen Schuelein Siemens Healthineers | ||
08:00 15mExperience report | Developing a Multi-Cultural Conversational Agent With a Globally Distributed Team Experience Reports Elayne Ruane University College Dublin, Anthony Ventresque Lero and University College Dublin, Ross Smith Microsoft |
15:00 - 18:00 | Session 3Research Papers / Experience Reports / ICSSP / [Joint Event] - ICSSP/ICGSE / Journal First at ICSSP-ICGSE Chair(s): Fabio Calefato University of Bari, Paul Clarke , Marco Gerosa Northern Arizona University _ ICGSE Theme: Onboarding and community evolution ICSSP Theme: Machine Learning, AI and Microservices Architectures | ||
16:20 15mExperience report | How do newcomers learn work process in Global Software Development (GSD)? A survey study from the perspective of newly project leaders Experience Reports Raquel Cunha SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Fernanda Souza SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Franciney Lima SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Bruno Bonifácio Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM | ||
16:35 15mExperience report | Designing Engineering Onboarding for 60+ Nationalities Experience Reports Julian Harty Commercetest Limited |
Sun 28 JunDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
06:00 - 09:00 | Session 4Experience Reports / ICSSP / Industry Talks / [Joint Event] - ICSSP/ICGSE at ICSSP-ICGSE Chair(s): Ricardo Britto Ericsson / Blekinge Institute of Technology, Klaas-Jan Stol University College Cork and Lero, Ireland, Eray Tüzün Bilkent University _ ICGSE Theme: Process and requirements ICSSP Theme: Empirical studies and experience reports on agile and hybrid processes | ||
06:05 15mExperience report | Moray-STF: A Novel Approach for Requirement Definition for GSD Projects in a Mobile Ecosystem Experience Reports Klinsman M. Goncalves SIDIA R&D Institute, Yasmine G Vaz SIDIA R&D Institute, Eberth F. Cruz SIDIA R&D Institute, Rafael E. Silva SIDIA R&D Institute, Lineker Souza SIDIA R&D Institute, Fábio M. Azevedo SIDIA R&D Institute, Eduardo D. Sardinha SIDIA R&D Institute, Paulo Fonseca SIDIA R&D Institute, Cícero Augusto De Lara Pahins SIDIA Research Institute | ||
06:20 15mExperience report | Using a Tool-based Approach to Comply with Smartphone User Manual Regulations in Latin America Countries Experience Reports Klinsman M. Goncalves SIDIA R&D Institute, Yasmine G Vaz SIDIA R&D Institute, Eberth F. Cruz SIDIA R&D Institute, Rafael E. Silva SIDIA R&D Institute, Lineker Souza SIDIA R&D Institute, Fábio M. Azevedo SIDIA R&D Institute, Eduardo D. Sardinha SIDIA R&D Institute, Paulo Fonseca SIDIA R&D Institute, Cícero Augusto De Lara Pahins SIDIA Research Institute | ||
07:35 15mExperience report | Expanding the responsibility of an offshore team and sustainably increasing business value using SAFe Experience Reports Alaukikdev Pandya Siemens Healthineers, V. S. Mani Siemens , Ansuman Pattanayak Siemens Healthineers | ||
07:50 15mExperience report | Hybrid Sourcing: Novel Combination of Crowdsourcing and Inner-sourcing for Software Developments Experience Reports |
15:00 - 18:00 | Session 5[Joint Event] - ICSSP/ICGSE / Research Papers / ICSSP / Experience Reports at ICSSP-ICGSE Chair(s): Josiane Kroll University of Manitoba, Leon Osterweil _ ICGSE Theme: Tools for GSD ICSSP Theme: Applied Software Engineering Practices | ||
15:50 15mExperience report | Challenges in scaling AI-powered distributed software product Experience Reports Rajeev Kumar Gupta Siemens Healthineers India LLP, Balaji B Siemens Healthineers India LLP, Mekanathan Venkatachalapathy Siemens, Ferose Khan Jeberla Siemens | ||
16:05 15mExperience report | Developing a Release Management Tool to Support Global Software Development: An Experience Report on Android Platform Experience Reports Hualter Oliveira Barbosa SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Witalo Albuquerque SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Alexandre Bandeira SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Luis Albuquerque SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Ueslei Pivoto SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Fernando Pires SIDIA Institute of Science and Technology, Bruno Bonifácio Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM |
Accepted Papers
Call for papers
The experience reports track of ICGSE 2020 solicits novel, high-quality submissions on a wide range of topics related to global software engineering. We welcome submissions addressing topics include, but are not limited to:
- Human Aspects of Distributed Development
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Communication, coordination, and collaboration
- Team building
- Trust and social relationships
- Onboarding and socialization of newcomers
- Methods and processes
- Agile methods in distributed settings
- Large-scale agile software
- Lean development
- DevOps
- Hybrid processes
- Remote pair and mob programming
- Open source software development
- Crowdsourcing software development
- SW Architectures and GSE
- SW Architectures and distributions of component ownership
- Global business strategy
- Business models
- Economics
- Hiring in global settings
- Industrial offshoring and outsourcing experiences
- Strategic issues
- Supplier management
- Technologies supporting distributed cooperative work
- Collaboration tools
- ALM/PLM for distributed teams
- Infrastructure for distributed development
- Social media support
- Chatbots
- Education and training in industry
- Educational studies
- GSE curricula
- Lessons learned
- Emerging Technologies to support/improve/enhance GSE
- Augmented reality/extended reality
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain
- Wearables
How to submit
All submissions must conform to the formatting and submission instructions and must not exceed 5 pages for the main text, including all figures, tables, appendices, etc. Two more pages containing only references are permitted. All submissions must be in PDF. All submissions must be in PDF. The page limit is strict, and it will not be possible to purchase additional pages at any point in the process (including after the paper is accepted).
Formatting instructions are available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.
By submitting to the ICGSE 2020 Research Track, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to be bound by the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism) and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ (https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/plagiarism/plagiarism-faq.html). In particular, papers submitted to ICGSE 2020 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for ICGSE 2020. Contravention of this concurrent submission policy will be deemed a serious breach of scientific ethics, and appropriate action will be taken in all such cases. To check for double submission and plagiarism issues, the chairs reserve the right to (1) share the list of submissions with the PC Chairs of other conferences with overlapping review periods and (2) use external plagiarism detection software, under contract to the ACM or IEEE, to detect violations of these policies.
Submissions to the Experience Reports Track that meet the above requirements can be made via Easychair by the submission deadline. We encourage the authors to upload their paper info early (and can submit the PDF later) to properly enter their conflicts.
Any submission that does not comply with these requirements may be desk rejected by the Technical Track PC Chairs without further review.
Upon notification of acceptance, authors of accepted papers will be asked to complete a copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register and present the results at the ICGSE 2020 conference. ICGSE 2020 has the right to pull papers out of the proceedings if there is no associated registration by two weeks past the early registration deadline. All accepted contributions with at least one registered author will be published in the conference electronic proceedings and appear in the digital libraries of both IEEE and ACM.
Open Science Policy
ICGSE 2019 encourages authors to submit replication packages and/or data sets with their papers, for the sake of transparency as replicability, as well as for facilitating the peer review process. The following guidelines are recommendations and not mandatory. Your choice will not affect the review process for your paper. Should you decide to embrace this policy, we strongly encourage you to archive empirical datasets on Zenodo or Dataverse, following Google guidelines to dataset providers, and share analysis scripts on freely accessible code repositories such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
ICGSE 2020 also encourages authors to self-archive a preprint of your accepted manuscript in arXiv.org or other similar open repositories. This is allowed by ACM and IEEE publishers for ICSE proceedings. Note that the final version of the paper, as laid out by the publisher, cannot be self-archived. Instead, manuscript with reviewer comments addressed must be used, but before applying the camera-ready instructions and templates.
Feel free to contact the ICGSE 2020 PCs for more details.
Important Dates
January 17th, 2020 (AoE)January 24th, 2020 (AoE) - Abstract/proposal submission deadline- January 31th, 2020 (AoE) - Conditional acceptance notification. Shepherding process begins.
- February 28th, 2020 (AoE) - Go/no-go decision based on whether paper is progressing. We will make a call whether to continue based on the quality of the paper at this date, and the shepherd’s judgment of the paper’s progress. Writing continues. Get paper ready for publication.
- March 15th, 2020 (AoE) - Camera-ready submission deadline
Experience Report Chairs:
Josiane Kroll (Experience Reports co-chair) - University of Manitoba, Canada
Anna Filippova (Experience Reports co-chair) - GitHub, USA