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ICGSE 2020
Fri 26 - Sun 28 June 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020
Willian Oizumi

Registered user since Mon 21 May 2018

Name:Willian Oizumi

He is a lecturer at IFPR (Federal Institute of Parana) and P.h.D student at PUC-Rio. In 2015, he obtained a master’s degree in Informatics from PUC-Rio. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Informatics from the Maringa State University (UEM). He worked in research, development and consultancy projects in the Software Engineering Laboratory at PUC-RIO. He worked as a software developer at HSBC GLT, Objective Solutions, and Cwork Sistemas.

Personal website: wnoizumi.github.io
Research interests:Software Engineering; Software Design; Software Architecture; Code Metrics


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