Registered user since Fri 16 Feb 2024
Yves Le Traon is professor in software engineering at University of Luxembourg, with a focus on software testing, software security, data-intensive and machine-learning (ML) enabled systems. He is currently head of the SnT SerVal group (SEcurity, Reasoning and VALidation) and vice director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT center) in Luxembourg. Most of his initial research has focussed on software testing, software security and model-driven engineering with applications to business-critical software in the domains of Smart Grid, Fintech, IoT/Industry 4.0. His research interests also cover several related areas such as real-world empirical studies, search-based software engineering, code static analysis, automated-program repair, machine learning applied to industry and robustness of machine-learning enabled systems.
Prof. Le Traon, IEEE Fellow member, has been General Chair of major conferences in the domain, such as ICSME 2021, IEEE ICST 2013, IEEE ISSRE 2004, and Program Chair of IEEE QRS 2016. He serves at the editorial boards of international journals in his domains of expertise (STVR, SoSym, IEEE Transactions on Reliability). He has served in more than 60 program and organizing committees of conferences, including the flagship ones in software engineering and software testing (ICSE, FSE, ICST, ISSTA). He has co authored (CORE ranking): 90+ Rank A/A* conference papers, 30+ Rank A/A* journal papers, and 150+ peer-reviewed conference papers, 40+ journal papers and 12+ book chapters and magazines.
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