ICST 2024
Mon 27 - Fri 31 May 2024 Canada
Ulf Adams

Registered user since Thu 23 May 2024

Name:Ulf Adams

Ulf Adams, CTO and cofounder of EngFlow, has a rich background in developing build and test automation tools. He is backed by over 15 years of experience along with an MS in Computer Science from Stanford University. During his tenure at Google, Ulf pioneered the creation, development, and open-sourcing of Bazel, alongside managing its internal counterpart, Blaze. At EngFlow, he plays a vital role in optimizing build and test cycles through the development of innovative tools such as Remote Execution and Remote Caching. His expertise in software development and management of technical teams fuels continuous innovation that fundamentally transforms developer experience and engineering workflows.

Affiliation: EngFlow Inc.
Research interests:Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Remote Execution, Software Engineering, Developer Experience


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