Sun 1 - Fri 6 October 2023 Västerås, Sweden
Martin Gogolla

Registered user since Fri 11 Dec 2015

Name:Martin Gogolla

Martin Gogolla was professor for Computer Science at University of Bremen, Germany and is the head of the Research Group Database Systems. His research interests include software development with object-oriented approaches, formal methods in system design, semantics of languages, and formal specification. Before joining University of Bremen he worked for the University of Dortmund and the Technical University of Braunschweig. His professional activities include: Teaching computer science; publications in journals and conference proceedings; publication of two books; speaker to university and industrial colloquia; referee for journals and conferences; organizer of workshops and conferences (e.g., the UML conference); member in international and national program committees; contributor to international computer science standards (OCL 2.0 as part of UML 2.0).

Affiliation:University of Bremen
Research interests:Formal specification of systems, Graph grammars and graph transformations, Semantics of languages, especially data base languages, Formal methods in information systems design, Object-oriented software development


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