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MSR 2022
Mon 23 - Tue 24 May 2022
co-located with ICSE 2022
Mathieu Nayrolles

Registered user since Wed 16 May 2018

Name:Mathieu Nayrolles

Mathieu has 10 years of experience in software quality and productivity. He obtained his Ph.D from the Intelligent System Logging and Monitoring lab (Concordia, Montréal, Canada) in 2018 and he’s now a Technical Architect dedicated to Research & Development on software quality, productivity, debug and profiling. He presented at various international scientific conferences such as SANER (Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering), MSR (Mining Software repositories), WCRE (Working Conference on Reverse Engineering) or CPPCON. He also wrote several books on open-source technologies such as Angular, Solr or Magento.

Affiliation:Ubisoft Montreal
Research interests:Machine Learning, Data Mining, Software Quality, JIT Software Maintenance


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