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MSR 2022
Mon 23 - Tue 24 May 2022
co-located with ICSE 2022
Muhammad Nouman Zafar

Registered user since Tue 8 Mar 2022

Name:Muhammad Nouman Zafar

Muhammad Nouman Zafar is a PhD Researcher at MDH, Västerås. His research is focused on Software testing for cyber-physical systems. He is an experienced Lecturer and Dot Net Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the leisure, travel & tourism industry. Skilled in Object-Oriented Design, HTML, CSS, Crystal Reporting, SQL, Software Requirements, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Strong engineering professional with a Master’s Degree focused in Computer Software Engineering from the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST). In addition, he has experience in Mobile/Web Applications Development (Asp .Net, C#, Java, VB, C++), Model Transformation Tools Development (Acceleo, QVT, OCL), and Domain-Specific Languages, and multiple design patterns (i.e. Singleton, Strategic, Factory, etc.). He also worked as a member at the Model-Driven Software Engineering Group at NUST, Islamabad.

Affiliation:Malardalen University
Research interests:Software verification and validation, Embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoTs), Model based testing


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