Registered user since Thu 29 Mar 2018
Name:Stefanos Georgiou
Stefanos Georgiou is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the SEAL lab of Queens University working with Prof. Jenny Zou. He obtained his PhD at Athens University of Economics and Business under the supervision of Prof. Diomidis Spinellis. In the context of his European Industrial Doctorate (EiID) and he conducted his research at AUEB (Athens University of Economics and Business) and TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) as academic partners and with SLG (Singular Logic) as an industrial partner. His research interests lie in Green IT, Cloud Computing, Mining Software Repositories and Energy-Efficient Software Development
Affiliation:Queen's University
Personal website: https://stefanos1316.github.io/my_portfolio/build/index.html
X (Twitter): https://x.com/StefanosGeorgi1
GitHub: https://github.com/stefanos1316
Research interests:Energy-Efficient Software Development, Data Mining,
Mining Software Repositories
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