SLE 2021
Sun 17 - Tue 19 October 2021 Chicago, Illinois, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2021
Jeremy Gibbons

Registered user since Wed 2 Mar 2016

Name:Jeremy Gibbons

I am Professor of Computing in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. I also lead the Algebra of Programming research group. I have served as Deputy Head of Department, and as Director of the Software Engineering Programme, which offers part-time professional Masters’ degrees in Software Engineering and in Software and Systems Security. I am Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Functional Programming, Chair of the ICFP Steering Committee, Past Vice Chair of ACM SIGPLAN, Past Chair of IFIP WG2.1. Before taking up this post in 1999, I held lectureships at Oxford Brookes University and the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Research interests:Programming languages, software engineering, program construction


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