SLE 2021
Sun 17 - Tue 19 October 2021 Chicago, Illinois, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2021
Viktor Vafeiadis

Registered user since Tue 12 Aug 2014

Name:Viktor Vafeiadis

Viktor Vafeiadis is a tenured researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), working on the semantics and verification of concurrent programs, persistent programs, and compilers. Prior to joining MPI-SWS in 2010, Viktor got his PhD from the University of Cambridge (2008), and held postdoc positions at Microsoft Research and at the University of Cambridge. He has been awarded the ACM SIGPLAN doctoral dissertation award (2008), an ERC Consolidator Grant (2020), and distinguished paper awards at ASPLOS, ECOOP, OOPSLA, and PLDI.

Research interests:Concurrency, verification, weak memory consistency, weak persistency


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