VL/HCC 2022
Mon 12 - Fri 16 September 2022 Rome, Italy
Gem Stapleton

Registered user since Mon 2 Mar 2020

Name:Gem Stapleton

Gem’s interests are firmly situated in the study of diagrams, encompassing their mathematical properties and cognitive effectiveness. Her multi-disciplinary research aims to expose how we can effectively design and apply diagrammatic representations in order to communicate, and reason about, information. She is perhaps best known for her ground-breaking contributions towards the development of diagrammatic logics alongside methods to automatically draw diagrams as visualizations of information. Gem’s current research is creating novel mechanisms to facilitate representation change in order to enhance human understanding. As leading figure in the Diagrams community, Gem has been highly influential in the direction of diagrams-related research as well as the Diagrams conference series. Having previously been Director of the Visual Modelling Group at the University of Brighton, she is now a Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Cambridge


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