Posters and ShowpiecesVL/HCC 2022
Tue 13 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
11:00 - 12:30 | Poster & Showpiece MadnessPosters and Showpieces / Research Papers / Graduate Consortium at San Francesco Room Chair(s): Paolo Bottoni Sapienza University of Rome All poster & showpiece authors. | ||
Wed 14 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
10:30 - 15:30 | Showpiece & Poster PresentationPosters and Showpieces / Graduate Consortium at Foyer of the Auditorium Authors will attend only during breaks. | ||
10:30 5hDemonstration | Quintessence: An Intersectional Reflexivity Tool for Data-Centric Research & DevelopmentShowpiece Posters and Showpieces Alicia Boyd DePaul University, Jibiana Jakpor Mockingbird Preparatory High School, Brittany Johnson George Mason University DOI | ||
10:30 5hDemonstration | Dockerlive: A live development environment for DockerfilesShowpiece Posters and Showpieces David Reis Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Filipe Figueiredo Correia Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto DOI | ||
10:30 5hDemonstration | Enabling Cross-Domain Robot Programming By End-Users: The ROBxTASK PlatformShowpiece Posters and Showpieces Till Bieg Austrian Insitute of Technology GmbH, Mathias Schmoigl-Tonis Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Nadine Sturm Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung gem. GmbH, Chloé Nativel RIC Regionales Innovations Centrum GmbH, Andreas Sackl Austrian Insitute of Technology GmbH DOI | ||
10:30 5hDemonstration | CoopFinder: Finding Collaborators Based on Co-Changed FilesShowpiece Posters and Showpieces Kattiana Constantino Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Eduardo Figueiredo Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil DOI |
Thu 15 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
10:30 - 15:30 | Poster PresentationPosters and Showpieces / Graduate Consortium at Corridor of San Francesco Room Authors will attend only during breaks. | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Making the Invisible Visible in Computational NotebooksPoster Posters and Showpieces Mauricio Verano Merino Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, L. Thomas van Binsbergen University of Amsterdam, Mazyar Seraj Eindhoven University of Technology DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | A technique to improve text editing on smartphonesPoster Posters and Showpieces Maria Giovanna Albanese Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Salerno, Gennaro Costagliola Università di Salerno, Mattia De Rosa University of Salerno, Vittorio Fuccella University of Salerno DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Chaldene: Towards Visual Programming Image Processing in Jupyter NotebooksPoster Posters and Showpieces Fei Chen , Philipp Slusallek German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarland University, Martin Muller Saarland University, Tim Dahmen German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Feasibility of using YouTube Conversations for Pair Programming Intent ClassificationPoster Posters and Showpieces Jacob Hart University of Tulsa, Jake AuBuchon University of Tulsa, Sandeep Kuttal The University of Tulsa DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Evaluating Gender Bias in Pair Programming Conversations with an AgentPoster Posters and Showpieces Alex McAuliffe The University of Tulsa, Jacob Hart University of Tulsa, Sandeep Kuttal The University of Tulsa DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Estimating Foraging Values and Costs in Stack OverflowPoster Posters and Showpieces Abim Sedhain The University of Tulsa, Sruti Srinivasa Ragavan Microsoft Research; School of EECS, Oregon State University, Brett McKinney The University of Tulsa, Sandeep Kuttal The University of Tulsa DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Information Seeking Behavior for Bugs on GitHub: An Information Foraging PerspectivePoster Posters and Showpieces DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Developers’ Foraging Behavior on Stack OverflowPoster Posters and Showpieces Vaishvi Diwanji The University of Tulsa, Abim Sedhain The University of Tulsa, Grey Bodi The University of Tulsa, Sandeep Kuttal The University of Tulsa DOI | ||
10:30 5hPoster | Which Technologies are Most Frequently Used by Data Scientists?Poster Posters and Showpieces Paula Pereira University of Minho, João Paulo Fernandes LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Jácome Cunha University of Porto DOI |
Accepted Papers
Call for Posters and Showpieces
The **Posters and Showpieces track** (called the "showpieces track" for short) offers an interactive opportunity to discuss recent research, experiences, challenges, ideas, prototypes, and accomplishments with the VL/HCC community. Formerly called "posters and demonstrations", the category now includes posters, videos, downloadable apps, handouts, electronic devices, physical prototypes, or any other artifacts that facilitate meaningful interactions with other conference attendees.
Topics and purpose of showpieces
A broad range of topics are appropriate for showpieces. The following non-exhaustive list illustrates the possibilities:
- Current research in progress. This might include:
- Original or innovative technologies or prototypes that may or may not be accompanied by an evaluation
- Short qualitative or quantitative studies
- Reflections, provocations, or proposals about theory or methods
- Results presented in the main VL/HCC conference
- Results already presented at another conference or published in a journal
- Existing commercial products and/or services
- Efforts aimed at integrating research into education
- Efforts aimed at commercializing research
Showpieces can help accomplish many goals, such as:
- Helping graduate student presenters to meet faculty from other universities
- Building community interest in a novel way of approaching a research topic
- Starting conversations that could lead to new collaborations
- Demonstrating to industry sponsors that a specific line of research has practical applications
- Showcasing products or services available for sale
Submitting a showpiece
Each submission will consist solely of a PDF file describing the showpiece, its motivation, and its relation to the VL/HCC audience. Submissions should follow the standard IEEE Conference Proceedings format, which includes Word / LaTeX templates for the submission.
Submission should be performed via the EasyChair system.
The PDF may be 1-2 pages in length, plus up an additional 1-2 additional pages containing only acknowledgements and an appendix of only figures, plus an additional unlimited pages for references. A submission must include the following content:
Title and Authors
A title and list of authors.
An abstract summarizing the submission.
The body of the document should clearly convey the following (though it is not recommended to explicitly structure the submission as such):
Content and claims: Describe the technical content of a showpiece, such as a research result, an effort to integrate research with education, an existing product, etc. Include any claims or conclusions which follow.
Relevance: Explain why this content will be of interest to the VL/HCC community, highlighting any novelty.
Presentation: Describe how the showpiece will be presented, for example, in a video, poster, app, or device. Posters and software demos are particularly recommended this year, as they could make for an engaging presentation in either a physical or virtual setting. The reviews of your submission may include advice about how to make the showpiece more accessible for a hybrid setting, should VL/HCC be held in a hybrid setting this year.
References: Not required, but may be included if doing so helps to communicate the topical content, claims, novelty, or relevance.
The submission is not the showpiece itself
The submission is a description of the showpiece, and not the showpiece itself. The showpiece itself does not need to be submitted, nor does it need to exist when the PDF is submitted. For example, if the showpiece will be a video, then the video does not need to be submitted with the PDF. If the showpiece does not yet exist, the submission should simply explain what showpiece will be created to present the relevant content.
Reviewing Options
When submitting a showpiece, you may indicate whether you would like the showpiece to be published or not.
Non-publishable submissions will be reviewed based on two criteria:
- relevance and interest to the VL/HCC community
- intelligibility of the submission.
Submissions accepted as non-publishable submissions will not be included in the proceedings. Non-publishable submissions are not archival, i.e., their publication will not influence whether the same work may be considered for the papers track of VL/HCC in a following year.
The publishable showpieces category is a venue for peer-reviewed, archival quality papers. Specifically, publishable submissions will be reviewed based on the criteria above as well as the following:
- novelty
- significance
- validity of any claims or conclusions stated.
Thus, publishable submissions should be at an appropriate standard to be included in the conference proceedings as archival papers. They should make standalone contributions that are intelligible even in the absence of the actual showpiece.
Submitters may opt to have publishable submissions omitted from the proceedings, in case they wish to avoid any possibility of a prior-publication issue with a future archival publication. If this is the case, please email the PC chairs.
If a submission fails to meet the criteria for publication, but could be accepted as a non-publishable submission, then we may suggest switching the submission to be non-publishable. For example, a submission presenting work that already will be appearing elsewhere in the main conference would be a reasonable non-publishable submission, but it might not meet the novelty criterion required for a publishable submission.
Publication and Presentation
Publishable submissions that are accepted to be included in the VL/HCC proceedings will appear on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library website, provided that at least one author registers for the conference and that the camera-ready copy is submitted by the deadline.
All authors of showpieces will present their work during a dedicated showpieces session during the main conference. We currently plan for physical presentation in a large room simultaneously, with each presenter allocated a specific assigned space for presenting a showpiece. However, there will be virtual presentations in case of travel restrictions.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: May 13, 2022
- Notifications: June 2, 2022
- Camera-ready: June 9, 2022