Registered user since Wed 15 Aug 2018
I am Dr. Brittany Johnson-Matthews, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University. You may also know me as my pen name, Brittany Johnson. I direct the INSPIRED (INterdisciplinary Software Practice Improvement REsearch and Development) Lab. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from North Carolina State University (2017), after getting my B.A. in Computer Science from the College of Charleston (2011). I explore sociotechnical problems pertaining to developer productivity and software development/use, such as tool support, work environments, ethics, and software for social good. My research is interdisciplinary, cross-cutting with research in software engineering, human-computer interaction, and machine learning.
- Predicting API Expertise: A cross-community replication using Zipf’s Law
- A Taxonomy of Machine Learning Fairness Tool Specifications, Features and Workflows
- Graduate Consortium Co-chair in Organizing Committee
- HaTe Detector: A Tool for Detecting and Correcting Harmful Terminology in Computing Artifact
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