VL/HCC 2023
Mon 2 - Fri 6 October 2023 Washington, DC, United States
Marnie Hill

Registered user since Mon 21 Aug 2023

Name:Marnie Hill

I am the BJC Program Manager in the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University and a Cybersecurity Teacher through the NC School of Science and Mathematics Connect. I earned my MAEd in Technology Education from NCSU, and my teaching license is in Business, Finance, and Information Technology. I have eight years of experience as a public high school teacher, six years of experience teaching computer science, one year of experience teaching Cybersecurity, and nine years of experience leading Computer Science Principles professional development for the Beauty and Joy of Computing curriculum. My interests lie in developing computer science education for K-12 teachers through professional development and K-12 CS course development to increase equity in digital literacy and computational thinking skills for all public school students.

Affiliation:NC State University


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