Registered user since Fri 31 Mar 2023
I completed my Masters degree in Informatics Engineering in 2019 at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto (FEUP). During my Master’s degree, I developed a plugin for the Dendro Platform, improving data management, sharing and reusing research data.
Since then, I have conducted research related to storage, sharing, reproducibility, and data representation. During the following two years, I was part of the research team of the “EPISA - Entity and Property Inference for Semantic Archives” (DSAIPA/DS/0023/2018) project, where I was responsible for implementing the representations of the digital archives of the “Torre do Tombo”. Since 2019 I am also an Invited Assistant Professor at FEUP, teaching courses on databases and compiler construction.
Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto and a member of the research center HASLab/INESC TEC. The goal of my Ph.D. is to improve reproducibility, reusability and collaboration in the research domain.
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