ACSOS 2021
Mon 27 September - Fri 1 October 2021 Washington, DC, United States

As the premier forum for autonomic computing, self-adaptation, and self-organization, ACSOS attracts world-class researchers and thought leaders from academia and industry. Prior iterations of ACSOS conferences have spawned novel products, startups and new research areas. ACAI fosters academic and industry collaboration, especially on use-inspired, cross-disciplinary topics with direct big-idea applications. The goal is to help academic and industry researchers in the ACSOS communities to have a conversation.

Tue 28 Sep 2021
Thu 30 Sep 2021
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Tue 28 Sep

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10:00 - 11:15
Keynote 1Main Track at AUDITORIUM 1
Chair(s): Christopher Stewart The Ohio State University
Autonomic Stream Processing at Scale
Main Track
Dilma Da Silva Texas A&M
13:00 - 14:30
Applications of Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing SystemsACSOS In Practice at AUDITORIUM 2
Chair(s): Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Environmental Impact of AI: Implications, Optimization Opportunities, and Challenges for Sustainable AI Systems
ACSOS In Practice
Business automation for the masses
ACSOS In Practice
Vinod Muthusamy IBM T.J. Watson Research
Challenges of Big Data and Vehicle Data
ACSOS In Practice
Christian Prehofer DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH

Thu 30 Sep

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

13:45 - 14:15
Process Automation and Self-Driving CarsACSOS In Practice at AUDITORIUM 2
Chair(s): K R Jayaram IBM Research, USA

Please note: The talk “Engineering Smart Systems in Practice: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead” by Mahdi Manesh (Porsche Digital GmbH) had to be canceled.

Key Research Challenges for development of ADAS and AD
ACSOS In Practice
Jonas Ekmark Zenseact

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
[CANCELED] Engineering Smart Systems in Practice: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead
ACSOS In Practice
Mahdi Manesh Porsche Digital GmbH
Not scheduled
6G Network Compute Fabric
ACSOS In Practice

Camera Ready Submission

Camera Ready Submission for Companion Proceedings


STEP 1: Important Dates

  • At least one author per paper must early pay the registration fee by August 13, 2021.
  • Failure to register will result in your paper not being included in the proceedings.
  • Final camera-ready manuscripts must be submitted by August 20, 2021.


STEP 2: Page Limits

Your final paper must follow the page limits listed in the following table:


Paper Type

ID Code

Page Limit

(including References)

Extra Pages Allowed

Workshop Papers













Vision Papers




ACSOS-in-Practice Extended Abstracts




Poster/Demo Extended Abstracts




Doctoral Symposium Abstracts


2 for Text + 1 for Refs


Tutorial Abstracts





“Workshop Papers” and “Vision Papers” are allowed to include up to 2 extra pages at an additional charge of $100 (100 US Dollars) per page. Extra pages should be purchased at registration time.


STEP 3: Formatting Your Paper

  • Submitted abstracts should not exceed 200 words.
  • Final submissions to ACSOS 2021 must be formatted in US-LETTER page size, must use the two-column IEEE conference proceedings format, and must be prepared in PDF format. Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates are available at the IEEE “Author Submission Site” HERE. The templates are available on the left-hand-side tab “Formatting Your Paper”.
  • Please, DO NOT include headers/footers or page numbers in the final submission.


STEP 4: Submitting Your Final Version

  • Once the format of your paper has been verified and validated, you may submit your final version.
  • All papers should be submitted using the submission system provided by IEEE “Author Submission Site” HERE.
  • After you login to the IEEE “Author Submission Site”, please, follow the instructions as you click the “Next” button on the top right corner of the site. Please, enter the following information exactly as appeared on your paper:

1)    Paper ID (ID Code from the above table + Paper ID from EasyChair, e.g., W_AMGCC_1234, V_1234, A_1234, P_1234, D_1234, T_1234),

2)    Names of authors, affiliations, countries, E-mail addresses,

3)    Titles, and abstracts.


STEP 5: Submitting a Signed Copyright Release Form

1)    Paper's full title

2)    All authors names

3)    Conference title: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS 2021)

4)    Signature (on appropriate line)

  • The signed IEEE Copyright-release Form (eCF) should be submitted together with your camera-ready manuscripts on August 20, 2021.


If you have any questions about the above procedures, please contact the Publications Chair Esam El-Araby:


Note: Please complete each of the above steps - the conference organizers will not be responsible if your paper is omitted from the proceedings, is not available online on IEEE Xplore, or is subject to additional processing costs, if these steps are not performed.

Call for Abstracts

Important Dates

Profile submission (Tasks):	June 25, 2021    
Acceptance notification:	(rolling)    
ACSOS Conference:		Sept 27-Oct 1, 2021   


ACAI@ ACSOS 2021 will feature short vision talks and opportunities for researchers to brainstorm potential collaborations. We ask ALL ACAI attendees to submit information about their interests, qualifications and visions for ACAI. Specifically, please put the following information into 1 PDF file (no length restrictions).

1) Resume, Curriculum Vitae or other summary of professional accomplishments
2) 1-2 paragraphs listing academic-industry collaborations of interest
3) Title and 1-2 paragraph abstract outlining your vision talk
4) (optional) 2-page abstract for vision talk

We seek students, faculty and professionals that have time/resources to contribute to new use-inspired research collaborations. Attendees must complete an ACSOS workshop registration. At the author’s discretion, 2-page abstracts associated with vision talks will be reviewed for potential publication in the ACSOS proceedings.

Profile submission site:​ (select “ACAI”)
