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ECSA 2021
Mon 13 - Fri 17 September 2021 Location to be announced

The goal of the Doctoral Symposium is to engage PhD researchers that work in the field of software architecture to actively participate in and contribute to the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2021). During the symposium, PhD researchers will interact closely with established researchers in the field; receive feedback on their research and get advice on managing their research. The symposium will also help participants to establish a network with their peers in the field of software architecture. The program will feature a keynote that will shed light on the particular challenges of doing PhD research in the field of software architecture.

Tue 14 Sep 2021
ECSA Doctoral Symposium
ECSA Research Papers
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Tue 14 Sep

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14:30 - 18:00
Doctoral SymposiumDoctoral Symposium
On the Axiom of Software Architecture Existence
Doctoral Symposium
Paola Inverardi University of L'Aquila
Break 1
Doctoral Symposium

Doctoral symposium paper
A Model-Driven Approach for Formally Verifying SysML-Based Dynamic Software Architectures
Doctoral Symposium
Camila Araújo State University of Rio Grande do Norte
Doctoral symposium paper
Enhancing System Quality Attibutes via Microservices Adoption
Doctoral Symposium
Roberta Capuano University of L'Aquila, Italy
Doctoral symposium paper
Sketches and Natural Language in Agile Modeling
Doctoral Symposium
Dominik Fuchß Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Doctoral symposium paper
Architectural Access Control Policy Refinement and Verification under Uncertainty
Doctoral Symposium
Sebastian Hahner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Break 2
Doctoral Symposium

Doctoral symposium paper
Co-evolving Digital Architecture Twins
Doctoral Symposium
Doctoral symposium paper
Model-Driven Reverse Engineering of Technology-Induced Architecture for Quality Prediction
Doctoral Symposium
Yves Kirschner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Doctoral symposium paper
Design and Analysis of Self-protection: Adaptive Security for Software-Intensive Systems
Doctoral Symposium
Charilaos Skandylas Linnaeus University
Doctoral symposium paper
Automated Scheduling of Multi-Robot System Missions: An Architectural Perspective
Doctoral Symposium
Gricel Vázquez University of York, UK

Call for Papers

The goal of the Doctoral Symposium is to engage PhD researchers that work in the field of software architecture to actively participate in and contribute to the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2021). During the symposium, PhD researchers will interact closely with established researchers in the field; receive feedback on their research and get advice on managing their research. The symposium will also help participants to establish a network with their peers in the field of software architecture. The program will feature a keynote that will shed light on the particular challenges of doing PhD research in the field of software architecture.

The technical scope of the Doctoral Symposium is that of ECSA 2021, as represented by the list of the topics in the ECSA 2021 call for papers. We encourage submissions from PhD researchers at any stage of their research. Based on the submissions, the program committee will invite a group of PhD researchers to give presentations of their PhD research, and to interact with senior researchers.


To participate at the Doctoral Symposium, a submission package needs to be submitted by the submission deadline consisting of two parts: a research summary paper and a letter of recommendation.

Part 1: Research summary paper (five pages)

The paper (in the single-column CEUR-ART style at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip) should cover the following aspects:

  • The research problem to be solved and its relevance in the software architecture field;
  • A discussion of related work with an explaining why the research problem has not been solved yet
  • The scientific methods used to tackle the research problem
  • An outline of the proposed solution
  • The expected results
  • A plan for the evaluation of results;
  • A critical reflection on the work.

The research summary paper needs to be submitted electronically (PDF) via the ECSA-2021 submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecsa2021

Part 2: Letter of Recommendation (maximum one page)

The recommendation letter is written by the advisor(s). This letter should include the submission number of the research summary paper, the name of the candidate, an appreciation of the PhD research, the status of the research, and an expected date for the dissertation submission. The advisor(s) should send the signed recommendation letter in pdf format to the Doctoral Symposium chairs via email to genaina@unb.br and radu.calinescu@york.ac.uk (start the subject with [ECSA DS]).

All submissions must be formatted according to the single-column CEUR-ART style (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip).

The Doctoral Symposium Committee will use the following criteria to select submissions:

  • The originality of the proposed research, the novelty of the research approach, and relevance to ECSA 2021;
  • The technical quality of the submission, e.g., clarity, precision, and adequacy of the problem statement, related work, scientific methods, presentation of the solution, expected results, evaluation plan and critical reflection.


The proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium will be published, together with all the accepted papers of the different ECSA-2021 tracks and workshops, in a single joint CEUR (http://ceur-ws.org) volume that will be made available online before the conference.

Important Dates

  • Research Summary and Letter Recommendation Submission: 2 July 2021
  • Author Notification: 22 July 2021
  • Camera-ready version: 29 July 2021

Note: All deadlines are 23:59h AoE (anywhere on Earth).

Track Chairs:

  • Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK
  • Genaina Rodrigues, University of Brasilia, Brasil
