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ECSA 2021
Mon 13 - Fri 17 September 2021 Location to be announced

The 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2021) Tools and Demonstrations (Tools&Demos) Track provides an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent advances, ideas, experiences, and challenges in the field of Software Architecture by means of Tools&Demos presentations. As ECSA’21 is a virtual event, all presentations will be organized online.

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Thu 16 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:40 - 17:05
Session 3: Experiences and Learnings from Industrial Case StudiesIndustry Program
Chair(s): Xabier Larrucea Tecnalia, Welf Löwe Linnaeus University
Software Architectures for Edge Analytics: A Survey Industry Track
Industry Program
Marie Platenius-Mohr ABB Corporate Research, Hadil Abukwaik ABB Corporate Research, Jan Christoph Schlake ABB Corporate Research, Michael Vach ABB Corporate Research
Enabling SMEs to Industry 4.0 using the BaSyx middleware : a case study Industry Track
Industry Program
An Experience Report on Modernizing I/O Configuration Software Industry Track
Industry Program
Kiana Busch , Norman Christopher Böwing , Simon Spinner , Qais Noorshams , Michael Grötzner IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH
Reliable Event Routing in the Cloud and on the Edge: An Internet-of-Things Solution in the AgeTech DomainIndustry Track
Industry Program
Linus Basig CARU AG, Fabrizio Lazzaretti , Olaf Zimmermann University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST)
How Software Architects Focus Their Attention Industry Track
Industry Program

Fri 17 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:30 - 15:45
Break 7Social
15:45 - 16:45
Demos and Short-industrialsTool&Demos / Industry Program
Chair(s): Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy
OpEx Driven Software Architecture a case study
Industry Program
Sebastien Andreo , Ambra Cala , Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology
Towards automated support for blended modelling of UML-RT embedded software architectures
Industry Program
Malvina Latifaj Mälardalen University, Federico Ciccozzi Malardalen University, Mattias Mohlin , Ernesto Posse
Hybrid-Cloud SQL Federation System at Twitter
Industry Program
Applicability of Machine Learning Architectural Patterns in Vehicle Architecture: A Case Study
Industry Program
Vasilii Mosin , Darko Durisic , Miroslaw Staron University of Gothenburg
Gabble: Managing Integration Knowledge in IoT-Systems with Logical Reasoning
Pre-print Media Attached
ATDx: A tool for Providing a Data-driven Overview of Architectural Technical Debt in Software-intensive Systems
Sebastian Ospina Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Roberto Verdecchia Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Pre-print Media Attached
Gropius-VSC: IDE Support for Cross-Component Issue Management
Sandro Speth University of Stuttgart, Niklas Krieger , Uwe Breitenbücher University of Stuttgart, Steffen Becker University of Stuttgart
Pre-print Media Attached
16:45 - 17:00
Break 8Social

Call for Papers

The 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2021) Tools and Demonstrations (Tools&Demos) Track provides an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent advances, ideas, experiences, and challenges in the field of Software Architecture by means of Tools&Demos presentations. As ECSA’21 is a virtual event, all presentations will be organized online.

Tools&Demos papers are intended to address any aspect of (i) tool support for Software Architectures or (ii) demonstrate results about the application of architectural approaches. Papers submitted to this track can belong to two distinct categories:

  • Tools: academic or industrial artefacts, with a specific purpose, that can be used by others. Tools should particularly show how scientific approaches related to software architecting have been or are being transferred into a working tool and how they advance the current state of the practice.

  • Demonstrations: academic or industrial exhibition of some result that explains how a novel or existing approach related to software architecting has been applied and possibly benchmarked.

Tools&Demos should not be used as a means for commercial advertisement.

We will strive to keep ECSA’s tradition to select the Best Tools&Demo Paper, awarded during the conference.


Submissions of Tools&Demos papers should describe the work, how it relates to other industrial or research efforts, including references, what the expected benefits are, and the web-page for the tool (if one exists). Papers must be 5 pages (including references), CEUR-ART style, single-column (available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip). Tools&Demos submissions should provide a link to a video, with audio commentary, of maximum five minutes length, with high resolution (e.g., details of the tool’s functionality should be clearly visible). The video must be uploaded on a server (e.g., YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox) and the link included in the submission for its evaluation. Paper submissions must be made electronically via the online EasyChair submission site for the ECSA 2021 conference, selecting the “Tools&Demos Track”: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecsa2021 The selection criteria of Tools&Demos papers will consider their originality, relevance for the ECSA audience, technical soundness, and presentation quality. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two members of the PC.


The accepted papers will be included in the ECSA 2021 companion volume to be published at CEUR (http://ceur-ws.org). This is an online proceedings that will be available before the conference starts. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper in the proceedings. An author attending ECSA 2021 must present the paper. In addition, there will be post-proceedings of selected and extended papers that will be published in a LNCS volume (together with other tracks and ECSA 2021 workshops). Papers submitted for the post-proceedings will undergo an additional review cycle.

Important dates

  • Paper submission: July 2nd, 2021
  • Author notification: July 22nd, 2021
  • Camera-ready version: July 29th, 2021

Note: All deadlines are 23:59h AoE (anywhere on Earth)

Track Organizers

Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

Romina Spalazzese, Malmö University, Sweden