ECSA 2024
Tue 3 - Fri 6 September 2024 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Please see below the suggested hotels.

Recommended Hotel

  • Alvisse Parc Hotel
  • Please here the instructions to follow for the individual room bookings:
    • Secured online Booking by this link :
    • By clicking on the link you will arrive directly on the booking page.
    • The guests have please to fill in the arrival and departure date and the special discount code. And click on « Show Availability », without the date and code, your special rates will not be visible!
    • The discount code is SPLC-ECSA
    • Please book before the 10th of August 2024, all non-booked rooms after this date will be automatically released. Rooms can be still booked but only on availability.
    • These prices are linked to the preferential event rate conditions. Payment is requested on reservation.
      • No-shows are invoiced 100%. Free cancellation until 1 day before arrival. In the event of timely cancellation, we will issue a refund.

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