ECSA 2024
Mon 2 - Fri 6 September 2024 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

The registration for the international ESCA 2024 conference will be handled by Ms. Magali MARTIN, SnT, University of Luxembourg.

Phone: (+352) 46 66 44 5448


To register, you are kindly asked to complete the on-line REGISTRATION FORM and pay the registration fee.

If you need a Letter of invitation to obtain a visa, Ms. Magali MARTIN will send you such a letter upon request on-line through the VISA FORM, once you have registered for the conference and paid the registration fee. Please, do not forget apply for your invitation letter as soon as possible in order to have time for its managing.

Registering early will save you money, and also it will help us to organize things better!

Registration Fees in Euro (EU) Early Registration
until July 31st
Late/On Site Registration
from August 1st till September 1st
Full Regular € 650 € 750
Full Student € 500 € 600
Doctoral Symposium* € 250 € 300
Workshop/Tutorial € 190 € 250

*Students authoring a paper at the doctoral symposium will be provided free registration if serving as ECSA volunteers.

Conference registration and payment (full regular and student) offers access to the conference as a whole, receiving conference materials, refreshments during breaks, the lunches as well as to the Gala Dinner and the leisure activities.

Workshop registration and payment offers access to all the workshop and tutorial events, receiving workshop materials, refreshments during breaks, and lunches.

Optional fees
Additional Paper Fee (up 2 papers are included) € 200
Extra ticket for Gala Dinner € 100
Extra ticket for Welcome Reception € 60

If you submit more than two papers, which will be accepted, the Extra paper fee will be required.

Extra tickets are meant for accompanying persons.


Details for payment will be sent out by email once you end your registration.

Confirmation / Proforma Invoice

Once you have completed the online REGISTRATION FORM you will receive the email confirmation.

A Proforma invoice may be provided under request by email to Ms. Magali MARTIN (

Cancellation Policy

All refund requests must be made in writing by email to Ms. Magali MARTIN (

Your registration is transferable to another participant (the same type of registration fee). Please inform Ms. Magali MARTIN as soon as possible, but no later than August 28, 2024, to whom your registration should be transferred.

The following options are applicable if you are not the sole author of an accepted paper attending to ECSA:

  • If the cancellation of the workshop is made before August 18, 2024, the registration fee reduced by EUR 45 will be refunded.
  • if the cancellation of the conference is made before August 18, 2024, the registration fee reduced by EUR 200 will be refunded to Full Regular.
  • if the cancellation of the conference is made before August 18, 2024, the registration fee reduced by EUR 150 will be refunded to Full Student.

After August 18, 2024, no fees can be refunded.

All refunds will be processed after the event If you cannot attend.