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ICST 2020
Sat 24 - Wed 28 October 2020 Porto, Portugal

Student volunteers are vital for the success of ICST, as they help in many aspects of the conference from registration to assisting the various sessions.

Becoming a volunteer can also help the student as they can meet, interact, and network with leading academic and industrial researchers and practitioners in the area of software testing.

If you are an undergraduate, graduate, or PhD student, and would like to join the volunteer team, please submit an application using the form specified below. Notifications will be sent out prior to the early registration deadline.


  1. Free student registration to the main conference, as well as the possibility of attending workshops
  2. Coffee breaks, lunches, and conference banquet tickets
  3. Opportunity to meet and talk with leading researchers, practitioners, and fellow students.

Note: Travel and accommodation costs are NOT included.


  • Approximately 20 hours of work in total during the week of the conference
  • Technical assistance to speakers and conference participants Provide directions to various locations within the conference venue
  • Help at the registration desk
  • General assistance
  • Availability between March 23 and March 27, 2020 (inclusive). You will be requested to specify in the application form if you are not available on any of the days of the pre/post conference program. Not all volunteers will be required during the entire conference, and we can take this information into account during selection.


  • Enrollment as a full-time Ph.D., Masters, or undergraduate student at the time of the conference
  • Proficiency in English

Application Procedure

Complete the online application form: Web Form.

Important Dates

Deadline for the application: January 15, 2020

Notification date: January 24, 2020 Edit: postponed to January 31.

Student Volunteers Chairs

António Rito Silva, INESC-ID, IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Thomas Durieux, INESC-ID, University of Lisbon, Portugal