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ICST 2020
Sat 24 - Wed 28 October 2020 Porto, Portugal

ICST 2020 invites high quality submissions in all areas of software testing, verification, and validation. Papers for the research track should present novel and original work that pushes the state-of-the-art. Case studies and empirical research papers are also welcome.

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Sun 25 Oct

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

09:00 - 09:15
Intro & WelcomeResearch Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room +11h
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC, Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Day opening
Intro & Welcome
Research Papers

09:15 - 10:45
IT1 - Test Generation & RefactoringIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
Parallelization of Classical Numerical Optimization in Quantum Variational Algorithms
Industry Track
Marco Pistoia JPMorgan Chase & Co, Peng Liu Google, Chun-Fu Richard Chen IBM, Shaohan Hu IBM, Stephen Wood IBM
Link to publication DOI
SPECMATE: Automated Creation of Test Cases from Acceptance Criteria
Industry Track
Jannik Fischbach Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Vogelsang University of Cologne, Dominik Spies Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Wehrle Qualicen GmbH, Maximilian Junker Qualicen GmbH, Dietmar Freudenstein Allianz Deutschland AG
Link to publication DOI
Tool Support for Refactoring Manual Tests
Industry Track
Elodie Bernard FEMTO-ST Institute, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Sogeti, Julien Botella Smartesting, Fabrice Ambert FEMTO-ST Institute, Bruno Legeard FEMTO-ST / DISC, Mark Utting University of the Sunshine Coast
Link to publication DOI
09:15 - 10:45
RT1 - Fault Localization and Debugging InfanteResearch Papers at Infante +11h
Chair(s): Andreas Zeller CISPA, Germany
Can We Predict the Quality of Spectrum-based Fault Localization?
Research Papers
Mojdeh Golagha Technical University of Munich, Alexander Pretschner Technical University of Munich, Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg, University of Ottawa
Link to publication DOI
Substate Profiling for Enhanced Fault Detection and Localization: An Empirical Study
Research Papers
Rawad Abou Assi American University of Beirut, Wes Masri American University of Beirut, Chadi Trad American University of Beirut
Link to publication DOI
More Accurate Dynamic Slicing for Better Supporting Software Debugging
Research Papers
Xiangyu Li Georgia Institute of Technology, Alessandro Orso Georgia Tech
Link to publication DOI
11:00 - 12:30
RT3 - Testing Deep Learning and Robotic SystemsResearch Papers at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Antonio Filieri Imperial College London
An Empirical Evaluation of Mutation Operators for Deep Learning SystemsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Gunel Jahangirova USI Lugano, Switzerland, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Comparing Offline and Online Testing of Deep Neural Networks: An Autonomous Car Case Study
Research Papers
Fitash Ul Haq University of Luxembourg, Donghwan Shin University of Luxembourg, Shiva Nejati University of Luxembourg, Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg, University of Ottawa
Link to publication DOI
A Study on Challenges of Testing Robotic Systems
Research Papers
Afsoon Afzal Carnegie Mellon University, Claire Le Goues Carnegie Mellon University, Michael Hilton Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Christopher Steven Timperley Carnegie Mellon University
Link to publication DOI
11:00 - 12:30
RT2 - Test Generation InfanteResearch Papers at Infante +11h
Chair(s): Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco
Language-Agnostic Generation of Compilable Test Programs
Research Papers
Patrick Kreutzer Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Stefan Kraus Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Michael Philippsen Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Link to publication DOI
MiMIs: Simple, Efficient, and Fast Bounded-Exhaustive Test Case Generators
Research Papers
Kyle Dewey California State University, Northridge, Shant Hairapetian University of Oregon, Miroslav Gavrilov University of California, Santa Barbara
Link to publication DOI
Learning How to Search: Generating Exception-Triggering Tests Through Adaptive Fitness Function Selection
Research Papers
Hussein Almulla University of South Carolina, Gregory Gay Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg
Link to publication DOI
14:00 - 16:00
RT5 - Testing for APIsTesting Tools Track / Research Papers at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): José Miguel Rojas University of Leicester, UK
QuickREST: Property-based Test Generation of OpenAPI-Described RESTful APIs
Research Papers
Stefan Karlsson ABB AB, Mälardalen University, Adnan Causevic Mälardalen University, Daniel Sundmark Mälardalen University
Link to publication DOI
RESTTESTGEN: Automated Black-Box Testing of RESTful APIsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Emanuele Viglianisi FBK, Michael Dallago University of Trento, Mariano Ceccato University of Verona
Link to publication DOI
Testability Transformations For Existing APIs
Research Papers
Andrea Arcuri Kristiania University College, Norway, Juan Pablo Galeotti University of Buenos Aires
Link to publication DOI
CDST: A Toolkit for Testing Cockpit Display Systems
Testing Tools Track
Hassan Sartaj QUEST - UAV Dependability Lab, Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Muhammad Uzair Khan National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Link to publication DOI
Open-source Defect Injection Benchmark Testbed for the Evaluation of Testing
Testing Tools Track
Miroslav Bures Czech Technical University in Prague, Pavel Herout University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ, Bestoun S. Ahmed Karlstad University
Link to publication DOI
14:00 - 15:00
RT4 - Misc 1Research Papers at Infante +11h
Chair(s): Andrea Stocco Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Determining Method-Call Sequences for Object Creation in C++
Research Papers
Thomas Bach Heidelberg University, Ralf Pannemans SAP, Artur Andrzejak Heidelberg University
Link to publication DOI
NodeRacer: Event Race Detection for Node.js Applications
Research Papers
André T. Endo Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR), Anders Møller Aarhus University, Denmark
Link to publication DOI
16:15 - 17:15
Keynote 1Research Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
One-click formal methods
Research Papers
Link to publication
20:00 - 20:15
Intro & WelcomeResearch Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC, Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Day opening
Intro & Welcome
Research Papers

20:15 - 21:45
IT1 - Test Generation & RefactoringIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): John Micco VMware
Parallelization of Classical Numerical Optimization in Quantum Variational Algorithms
Industry Track
Marco Pistoia JPMorgan Chase & Co, Peng Liu Google, Chun-Fu Richard Chen IBM, Shaohan Hu IBM, Stephen Wood IBM
Link to publication DOI
SPECMATE: Automated Creation of Test Cases from Acceptance Criteria
Industry Track
Jannik Fischbach Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Vogelsang University of Cologne, Dominik Spies Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Wehrle Qualicen GmbH, Maximilian Junker Qualicen GmbH, Dietmar Freudenstein Allianz Deutschland AG
Link to publication DOI
Tool Support for Refactoring Manual Tests
Industry Track
Elodie Bernard FEMTO-ST Institute, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Sogeti, Julien Botella Smartesting, Fabrice Ambert FEMTO-ST Institute, Bruno Legeard FEMTO-ST / DISC, Mark Utting University of the Sunshine Coast
Link to publication DOI
20:15 - 21:45
RT1 - Fault Localization and Debugging InfanteResearch Papers at Infante
Chair(s): José Campos University of Lisbon, Portugal
Can We Predict the Quality of Spectrum-based Fault Localization?
Research Papers
Mojdeh Golagha Technical University of Munich, Alexander Pretschner Technical University of Munich, Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg, University of Ottawa
Link to publication DOI
Substate Profiling for Enhanced Fault Detection and Localization: An Empirical Study
Research Papers
Rawad Abou Assi American University of Beirut, Wes Masri American University of Beirut, Chadi Trad American University of Beirut
Link to publication DOI
More Accurate Dynamic Slicing for Better Supporting Software Debugging
Research Papers
Xiangyu Li Georgia Institute of Technology, Alessandro Orso Georgia Tech
Link to publication DOI
22:00 - 23:30
RT3 - Testing Deep Learning and Robotic SystemsResearch Papers at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
An Empirical Evaluation of Mutation Operators for Deep Learning SystemsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Gunel Jahangirova USI Lugano, Switzerland, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Comparing Offline and Online Testing of Deep Neural Networks: An Autonomous Car Case Study
Research Papers
Fitash Ul Haq University of Luxembourg, Donghwan Shin University of Luxembourg, Shiva Nejati University of Luxembourg, Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg, University of Ottawa
Link to publication DOI
A Study on Challenges of Testing Robotic Systems
Research Papers
Afsoon Afzal Carnegie Mellon University, Claire Le Goues Carnegie Mellon University, Michael Hilton Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Christopher Steven Timperley Carnegie Mellon University
Link to publication DOI
22:00 - 23:30
RT2 - Test Generation InfanteResearch Papers at Infante
Chair(s): Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center
Language-Agnostic Generation of Compilable Test Programs
Research Papers
Patrick Kreutzer Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Stefan Kraus Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Michael Philippsen Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Link to publication DOI
MiMIs: Simple, Efficient, and Fast Bounded-Exhaustive Test Case Generators
Research Papers
Kyle Dewey California State University, Northridge, Shant Hairapetian University of Oregon, Miroslav Gavrilov University of California, Santa Barbara
Link to publication DOI
Learning How to Search: Generating Exception-Triggering Tests Through Adaptive Fitness Function Selection
Research Papers
Hussein Almulla University of South Carolina, Gregory Gay Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg
Link to publication DOI

Mon 26 Oct

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

01:00 - 03:00
RT5 - Testing for APIsResearch Papers / Testing Tools Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco
QuickREST: Property-based Test Generation of OpenAPI-Described RESTful APIs
Research Papers
Stefan Karlsson ABB AB, Mälardalen University, Adnan Causevic Mälardalen University, Daniel Sundmark Mälardalen University
Link to publication DOI
RESTTESTGEN: Automated Black-Box Testing of RESTful APIsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Emanuele Viglianisi FBK, Michael Dallago University of Trento, Mariano Ceccato University of Verona
Link to publication DOI
Testability Transformations For Existing APIs
Research Papers
Andrea Arcuri Kristiania University College, Norway, Juan Pablo Galeotti University of Buenos Aires
Link to publication DOI
CDST: A Toolkit for Testing Cockpit Display Systems
Testing Tools Track
Hassan Sartaj QUEST - UAV Dependability Lab, Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Muhammad Uzair Khan National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Link to publication DOI
Open-source Defect Injection Benchmark Testbed for the Evaluation of Testing
Testing Tools Track
Miroslav Bures Czech Technical University in Prague, Pavel Herout University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ, Bestoun S. Ahmed Karlstad University
Link to publication DOI
01:00 - 02:00
RT4 - Misc 1Research Papers at Infante
Chair(s): Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center
Determining Method-Call Sequences for Object Creation in C++
Research Papers
Thomas Bach Heidelberg University, Ralf Pannemans SAP, Artur Andrzejak Heidelberg University
Link to publication DOI
NodeRacer: Event Race Detection for Node.js Applications
Research Papers
André T. Endo Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR), Anders Møller Aarhus University, Denmark
Link to publication DOI
09:30 - 10:30
Keynote 2Research Papers at Plenary Room
Chair(s): Luís Cruz Deflt University of Technology
10:45 - 12:15
IT2 - MiscIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Luís Cruz Deflt University of Technology
EC.LANG - A Language for Specifying Response Time Analyses of Event Chains
Industry Track
Max Friese Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Johannes Traub Daimler AG, Dirk Nowotka Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Link to publication DOI
Detecting Higher-Order Merge Conflicts in Large Software Projects
Industry Track
Thorsten Wuensche SAP SE, Artur Andrzejak Heidelberg University, Sascha Schwedes SAP SE
Link to publication DOI
Scaling Test Case Generation For Expressive Decision Tables
Industry Track
Supriya Agrawal Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), R Venkatesh Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Ulka Shrotri Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Amey Zare Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Sagar Verma Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)
Link to publication DOI
10:45 - 12:15
RT6 - Web TestingResearch Papers at Infante +11h
Chair(s): José Campos University of Lisbon, Portugal
Fostering the Diversity of Exploratory Testing in Web Applications
Research Papers
Julien Leveau LaBRI, Xavier Blanc LaBRI, Laurent Réveillère LaBRI, Jean-Rémy Falleri Bordeaux INP, Romain Rouvoy Univ. Lille / Inria / IUF
Link to publication DOI
Dependency-Aware Web Test Generation
Research Papers
Matteo Biagiola Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Andrea Stocco Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Filippo Ricca Università di Genova, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Metamorphic Security Testing for Web Systems
Research Papers
Phu X. Mai University of Luxembourg, Fabrizio Pastore University of Luxembourg, Arda Goknil SnT, University of Luxembourg, Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg, University of Ottawa
Link to publication DOI
13:45 - 15:15
Journal First 1Journal-First Papers at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Maurício Aniche Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Modeling Foundations for Executable Model-Based Testing of Self-Healing Cyber-Physical Systems
Journal-First Papers
Tao Ma Simula Research Laboratory, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Tao Yue Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Link to publication DOI
Empirical evaluation of mutation-based test case prioritization techniques
Journal-First Papers
Donghwan Shin University of Luxembourg, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Doo-Hwan Bae Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Link to publication DOI
Are Unit and Integration Test Definitions Still Valid for Modern Java Projects? An Empirical Study on Open-Source Projects
Journal-First Papers
Fabian Trautsch University of Göttingen, Steffen Herbold University of Göttingen, Jens Grabowski University of Göttingen
Link to publication DOI
13:45 - 15:15
RT7 - Optimizing TestingResearch Papers at Infante +11h
Chair(s): Fabiano Ferrari Federal University of São Carlos
Optimizing Mutation Testing by Discovering Dynamic Mutant Subsumption Relations
Research Papers
Marcio Augusto Guimarães Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Leo Fernandes Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil, Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco, Rohit Gheyi Federal University of Campina Grande
Link to publication DOI
Massively Parallel, Highly Efficient, but What About the Test Suite Quality? Applying Mutation Testing to GPU Programs
Research Papers
Qianqian Zhu TU Delft, Andy Zaidman Delft University of Technology
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
STICCER: Fast and Effective Database Test Suite Reduction Through Merging of Similar Test Cases
Research Papers
Abdullah Alsharif The University of Sheffield, Gregory Kapfhammer Allegheny College, USA, Phil McMinn University of Sheffield
Link to publication DOI
15:30 - 17:00
RT9 - Empirical Analysis and Program RepairResearch Papers at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center
An Empirical Analysis of Blind Tests
Research Papers
Kesina Baral George Mason University, Jeff Offutt George Mason University
Link to publication DOI
A Family of Experiments to Assess the Impact of Page Object Pattern in Web Test Suite Development
Research Papers
Maurizio Leotta Università di Genova, Matteo Biagiola Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Filippo Ricca Università di Genova, Mariano Ceccato University of Verona, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Human-In-The-Loop Automatic Program Repair
Research Papers
Marcel Böhme Monash University, Australia, Charaka Geethal Monash University, Van-Thuan Pham Monash University
Link to publication DOI
15:30 - 17:00
RT8 - Misc 2Journal-First Papers / Research Papers at Infante +11h
Chair(s): Alin Stefanescu University of Bucharest
Implementation-induced Inconsistency and Nondeterminism in Deterministic Clustering Algorithms
Research Papers
Xin Yin New Jersey Institute of Technology, Iulian Neamtiu New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Saketan Patil New Jersey Institute of Technology, Sean Andrews New Jersey Institute of Technology
Link to publication DOI
CBR: Controlled Burst Recording
Research Papers
Oscar Cornejo University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, Daniela Briola University of Milano Bicocca, Daniela Micucci University of Milano Bicocca, Leonardo Mariani University of Milano Bicocca
Link to publication DOI
Mahtab: Phase-wise acceleration of regression testing for C
Journal-First Papers
Shouvick Mondal IIT Madras, India, Rupesh Nasre IIT Madras, India
Link to publication DOI Media Attached
20:00 - 20:30
Most Influential Paper AwardsResearch Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
Using Mutation to Automatically Suggest Fixes for Faulty ProgramsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Media Attached
Searching for a needle in a haystack predicting security vulnerabilities for Windows VistaDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research, Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft Research, USA, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University
Media Attached
21:45 - 23:15
IT2 - MiscIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
EC.LANG - A Language for Specifying Response Time Analyses of Event Chains
Industry Track
Max Friese Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Johannes Traub Daimler AG, Dirk Nowotka Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Link to publication DOI
Detecting Higher-Order Merge Conflicts in Large Software Projects
Industry Track
Thorsten Wuensche SAP SE, Artur Andrzejak Heidelberg University, Sascha Schwedes SAP SE
Link to publication DOI
Scaling Test Case Generation For Expressive Decision Tables
Industry Track
Supriya Agrawal Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), R Venkatesh Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Ulka Shrotri Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Amey Zare Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Sagar Verma Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)
Link to publication DOI
21:45 - 23:15
RT6 - Web TestingResearch Papers at Infante
Chair(s): Fabiano Ferrari Federal University of São Carlos
Fostering the Diversity of Exploratory Testing in Web Applications
Research Papers
Julien Leveau LaBRI, Xavier Blanc LaBRI, Laurent Réveillère LaBRI, Jean-Rémy Falleri Bordeaux INP, Romain Rouvoy Univ. Lille / Inria / IUF
Link to publication DOI
Dependency-Aware Web Test Generation
Research Papers
Matteo Biagiola Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Andrea Stocco Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Filippo Ricca Università di Genova, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Metamorphic Security Testing for Web Systems
Research Papers
Phu X. Mai University of Luxembourg, Fabrizio Pastore University of Luxembourg, Arda Goknil SnT, University of Luxembourg, Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg, University of Ottawa
Link to publication DOI

Tue 27 Oct

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

00:45 - 02:15
Journal First 1Journal-First Papers at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Fabiano Ferrari Federal University of São Carlos
Modeling Foundations for Executable Model-Based Testing of Self-Healing Cyber-Physical Systems
Journal-First Papers
Tao Ma Simula Research Laboratory, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Tao Yue Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Link to publication DOI
Empirical evaluation of mutation-based test case prioritization techniques
Journal-First Papers
Donghwan Shin University of Luxembourg, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Doo-Hwan Bae Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Link to publication DOI
Are Unit and Integration Test Definitions Still Valid for Modern Java Projects? An Empirical Study on Open-Source Projects
Journal-First Papers
Fabian Trautsch University of Göttingen, Steffen Herbold University of Göttingen, Jens Grabowski University of Göttingen
Link to publication DOI
00:45 - 02:15
RT7 - Optimizing TestingResearch Papers at Infante
Chair(s): Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center
Optimizing Mutation Testing by Discovering Dynamic Mutant Subsumption Relations
Research Papers
Marcio Augusto Guimarães Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Leo Fernandes Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil, Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco, Rohit Gheyi Federal University of Campina Grande
Link to publication DOI
Massively Parallel, Highly Efficient, but What About the Test Suite Quality? Applying Mutation Testing to GPU Programs
Research Papers
Qianqian Zhu TU Delft, Andy Zaidman Delft University of Technology
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
STICCER: Fast and Effective Database Test Suite Reduction Through Merging of Similar Test Cases
Research Papers
Abdullah Alsharif The University of Sheffield, Gregory Kapfhammer Allegheny College, USA, Phil McMinn University of Sheffield
Link to publication DOI
02:30 - 04:00
RT9 - Empirical Analysis and Program RepairResearch Papers at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center
An Empirical Analysis of Blind Tests
Research Papers
Kesina Baral George Mason University, Jeff Offutt George Mason University
Link to publication DOI
A Family of Experiments to Assess the Impact of Page Object Pattern in Web Test Suite Development
Research Papers
Maurizio Leotta Università di Genova, Matteo Biagiola Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Filippo Ricca Università di Genova, Mariano Ceccato University of Verona, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Human-In-The-Loop Automatic Program Repair
Research Papers
Marcel Böhme Monash University, Australia, Charaka Geethal Monash University, Van-Thuan Pham Monash University
Link to publication DOI
02:30 - 04:00
Implementation-induced Inconsistency and Nondeterminism in Deterministic Clustering Algorithms
Research Papers
Xin Yin New Jersey Institute of Technology, Iulian Neamtiu New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Saketan Patil New Jersey Institute of Technology, Sean Andrews New Jersey Institute of Technology
Link to publication DOI
CBR: Controlled Burst Recording
Research Papers
Oscar Cornejo University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, Daniela Briola University of Milano Bicocca, Daniela Micucci University of Milano Bicocca, Leonardo Mariani University of Milano Bicocca
Link to publication DOI
Mahtab: Phase-wise acceleration of regression testing for C
Journal-First Papers
Shouvick Mondal IIT Madras, India, Rupesh Nasre IIT Madras, India
Link to publication DOI Media Attached
09:00 - 10:00
Tool DemosTool Demos Track at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Tao Yue Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Cerberus: an Automated Tool for Continuous Testing
Tool Demos Track
Antoine Craske La Redoute
EvoMaster: Search-Based System Test Generation for RESTful APIs
Tool Demos Track
Andrea Arcuri Kristiania University College, Norway, Juan Pablo Galeotti University of Buenos Aires, Bogdan Marculescu Kristiania University College, Norway, Man Zhang Kristiania University College, Norway
Quick and Precise Security Testing During Development with Intelligence-Directed DAST
Tool Demos Track
Takuya Iwatsuka NTT, Haruto Tanno NTT, Eric Sharidan WhiteHat Security, Joseph Feiman WhiteHat Security
Self guided test Automation - Adaptive and Self Healing automation of Cloud native applications
Tool Demos Track
Mahesh Venkataraman Accenture Solutions, Chinmaya Jena Accenture Solutions, Sunder Nochilur Accenture Solutions, Prabir Ghoushal Kumar Accenture Solutions
User-Friendly Input Assistance with Web Crawling for Test Script Generation
Tool Demos Track
09:00 - 10:00
RT10 - Misc 3Research Papers at Infante +11h
Chair(s): Thomas Durieux KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
A Framework for In-Vivo Testing of Mobile Applications
Research Papers
Mariano Ceccato University of Verona, Davide Corradini Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Luca Gazzola Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Fitsum Kifetew Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Leonardo Mariani University of Milano Bicocca, Matteo Orru University of Milano Bicocca, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Prioritizing Runtime Verification Violations
Research Papers
Breno Miranda Federal University of Pernambuco, Igor Lima Federal University of Pernambuco, Owolabi Legunsen Cornell University, Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco
Link to publication DOI
10:00 - 11:00
IT3 - Safety & SecurityIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Generating Avoidable Collision Scenarios for Testing Autonomous Driving Systems
Industry Track
Alessandro Calò Technical University of Munich, Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics , Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Florian Hauer Technical University of Munich, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics
Link to publication DOI
Checking Security Properties of Cloud Service REST APIs
Industry Track
Vaggelis Atlidakis Columbia University, Patrice Godefroid Microsoft Research, USA, Marina Polishchuk Microsoft Research, USA
Link to publication DOI
10:00 - 11:00
Testing toolsTesting Tools Track at Infante +11h
Chair(s): René Just University of Washington, USA, Andy Zaidman Delft University of Technology
Callisto: Entropy-based Test Generation and Data Quality Assessment for Machine Learning Systems
Testing Tools Track
Sakshi Udeshi , Xingbin Jiang Singapore University of Technology and Design, Sudipta Chattopadhyay Singapore University of Technology and Design
Link to publication DOI
Run Java Applications and Test Them In-Vivo Meantime
Testing Tools Track
Antonia Bertolino CNR-ISTI, Guglielmo De Angelis CNR-IASI, CNR-ISTI, Breno Miranda Federal University of Pernambuco, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
AFLNet: A Greybox Fuzzer for Network Protocols
Testing Tools Track
Van-Thuan Pham Monash University, Marcel Böhme Monash University, Australia, Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore, Singapore
Link to publication DOI
ct-fuzz: Fuzzing for Timing Leaks
Testing Tools Track
Shaobo He University of Utah, Michael Emmi Amazon Web Services, Gabriela Ciocarlie SRI International
Link to publication DOI
11:15 - 12:15
Open Steering Commitee & ICST 2021 PresentationResearch Papers at Plenary Room
Chair(s): Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Open Steering Commitee & ICST 2021 Presentation
Research Papers

13:45 - 14:45
Keynote 3Research Papers at Plenary Room
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
SunDew: Systematic Automated Security Testing
Research Papers
20:00 - 21:00
Tool DemosTool Demos Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Tao Yue Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Cerberus: an Automated Tool for Continuous Testing
Tool Demos Track
Antoine Craske La Redoute
EvoMaster: Search-Based System Test Generation for RESTful APIs
Tool Demos Track
Andrea Arcuri Kristiania University College, Norway, Juan Pablo Galeotti University of Buenos Aires, Bogdan Marculescu Kristiania University College, Norway, Man Zhang Kristiania University College, Norway
Quick and Precise Security Testing During Development with Intelligence-Directed DAST
Tool Demos Track
Takuya Iwatsuka NTT, Haruto Tanno NTT, Eric Sharidan WhiteHat Security, Joseph Feiman WhiteHat Security
Self guided test Automation - Adaptive and Self Healing automation of Cloud native applications
Tool Demos Track
Mahesh Venkataraman Accenture Solutions, Chinmaya Jena Accenture Solutions, Sunder Nochilur Accenture Solutions, Prabir Ghoushal Kumar Accenture Solutions
User-Friendly Input Assistance with Web Crawling for Test Script Generation
Tool Demos Track
20:00 - 21:00
RT10 - Misc 3Research Papers at Infante
Chair(s): Luís Cruz Deflt University of Technology
A Framework for In-Vivo Testing of Mobile Applications
Research Papers
Mariano Ceccato University of Verona, Davide Corradini Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Luca Gazzola Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Fitsum Kifetew Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Leonardo Mariani University of Milano Bicocca, Matteo Orru University of Milano Bicocca, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
Prioritizing Runtime Verification Violations
Research Papers
Breno Miranda Federal University of Pernambuco, Igor Lima Federal University of Pernambuco, Owolabi Legunsen Cornell University, Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco
Link to publication DOI
21:00 - 22:00
IT3 - Safety & SecurityIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Generating Avoidable Collision Scenarios for Testing Autonomous Driving Systems
Industry Track
Alessandro Calò Technical University of Munich, Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics , Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Florian Hauer Technical University of Munich, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics
Link to publication DOI
Checking Security Properties of Cloud Service REST APIs
Industry Track
Vaggelis Atlidakis Columbia University, Patrice Godefroid Microsoft Research, USA, Marina Polishchuk Microsoft Research, USA
Link to publication DOI
21:00 - 22:00
Testing toolsTesting Tools Track at Infante
Chair(s): René Just University of Washington, USA, Andy Zaidman Delft University of Technology
Callisto: Entropy-based Test Generation and Data Quality Assessment for Machine Learning Systems
Testing Tools Track
Sakshi Udeshi , Xingbin Jiang Singapore University of Technology and Design, Sudipta Chattopadhyay Singapore University of Technology and Design
Link to publication DOI
Run Java Applications and Test Them In-Vivo Meantime
Testing Tools Track
Antonia Bertolino CNR-ISTI, Guglielmo De Angelis CNR-IASI, CNR-ISTI, Breno Miranda Federal University of Pernambuco, Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Link to publication DOI
AFLNet: A Greybox Fuzzer for Network Protocols
Testing Tools Track
Van-Thuan Pham Monash University, Marcel Böhme Monash University, Australia, Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore, Singapore
Link to publication DOI
ct-fuzz: Fuzzing for Timing Leaks
Testing Tools Track
Shaobo He University of Utah, Michael Emmi Amazon Web Services, Gabriela Ciocarlie SRI International
Link to publication DOI

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
Smart - and also reliable and gas-efficient - Contracts
Research Papers
Elvira Albert Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Accepted Papers

A Family of Experiments to Assess the Impact of Page Object Pattern in Web Test Suite Development
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
A Framework for In-Vivo Testing of Mobile Applications
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
An Empirical Analysis of Blind Tests
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
An Empirical Evaluation of Mutation Operators for Deep Learning SystemsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
A Study on Challenges of Testing Robotic Systems
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Can We Predict the Quality of Spectrum-based Fault Localization?
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
CBR: Controlled Burst Recording
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Comparing Offline and Online Testing of Deep Neural Networks: An Autonomous Car Case Study
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Dependency-Aware Web Test Generation
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Determining Method-Call Sequences for Object Creation in C++
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Fostering the Diversity of Exploratory Testing in Web Applications
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Human-In-The-Loop Automatic Program Repair
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Implementation-induced Inconsistency and Nondeterminism in Deterministic Clustering Algorithms
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Language-Agnostic Generation of Compilable Test Programs
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Learning How to Search: Generating Exception-Triggering Tests Through Adaptive Fitness Function Selection
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Massively Parallel, Highly Efficient, but What About the Test Suite Quality? Applying Mutation Testing to GPU Programs
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Metamorphic Security Testing for Web Systems
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
MiMIs: Simple, Efficient, and Fast Bounded-Exhaustive Test Case Generators
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
More Accurate Dynamic Slicing for Better Supporting Software Debugging
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
NodeRacer: Event Race Detection for Node.js Applications
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Optimizing Mutation Testing by Discovering Dynamic Mutant Subsumption Relations
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Prioritizing Runtime Verification Violations
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
QuickREST: Property-based Test Generation of OpenAPI-Described RESTful APIs
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
RESTTESTGEN: Automated Black-Box Testing of RESTful APIsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Searching for a needle in a haystack predicting security vulnerabilities for Windows VistaDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Media Attached
Smart - and also reliable and gas-efficient - Contracts
Research Papers
STICCER: Fast and Effective Database Test Suite Reduction Through Merging of Similar Test Cases
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Substate Profiling for Enhanced Fault Detection and Localization: An Empirical Study
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI
Testability Transformations For Existing APIs
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI

Call for Papers

ICST 2020 invites high quality submissions in all areas of software testing, verification, and validation. Papers for the research track should present novel and original work that advances the state-of-the-art. Case studies and empirical research papers are also welcome.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Fuzz testing
  • Manual testing practices and techniques
  • Search based software testing
  • Security testing
  • Model based testing
  • Test automation
  • Static analysis and symbolic execution
  • Formal verification and model checking
  • Software reliability
  • Testability and design
  • Testing and development processes
  • Testing education
  • Testing in specific domains, such as mobile, web, embedded, concurrent, distributed, cloud, GUI and real-time systems
  • Testing for learning-enabled software, including deep learning
  • Testing/debugging tools
  • Theory of software testing
  • Empirical studies
  • Experience reports

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the ICST Program Committee.

Papers that have a strong industrial/practical component and focus more on impact rather than (technical) novelty are encouraged to consider the industry track instead.

Submission Format

Full Research papers as well as Industry papers must conform to the two-column IEEE conference publication format, not exceed 10 pages, including all text, figures, tables, and appendices; two additional pages containing only references are permitted. It must conform to the the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (please use the letter format template and conference option). The ICST 2020 research track only accepts full research papers. Short papers are not accepted to the research track.

The submission must also comply with the ACM plagiarism policy and procedures. In particular, it must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review elsewhere while under review for ICST. The submission must also comply with the IEEE Policy on Authorship.

Lastly, the ICST 2020 Research papers track will employ a double-blind review process. Thus, no submission may reveal its authors’ identities. The authors must make every effort to honor the double-blind review process. In particular, the authors’ names must be omitted from the submission and references to their prior work should be in the third person. Further advice, guidance and explanation about the double-blind review process can be found in the Q&A page.

Submissions to the Research Papers Track that meet the above requirements can be made via the Research Papers Track submission site by the submission deadline. by the submission deadline.

Any submission that does not comply with the above requirements may be rejected by the PC Chairs without further review.

If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper in person for the paper to be published in the ICST 2020 conference proceedings.

New in 2020. Submissions must supply all information that is needed to replicate the results, and therefore are expected to include or point to a replication package with the necessary software, data, and instructions. Reviewers may consult these packages to resolve open issues. There can be good reasons for the absence of a replication package, such as confidential code and/or data, the research being mostly qualitative, or the paper being fully self-contained. If a paper does not come with a replication package, authors should comment on its absence in the submission data; reviewers will take such comments into account.

Submission Site: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=icst2020

Submitting to ICST2020: Q&A

Please note that the Double Blind Review (DBR) process is not used by all tracks, e.g., Industry Track. Check in the call for papers whether DBR is used or not.

Q: Is the deadline firm? Can I ask for an extension?

Yes. No.

Q: How can I submit an anonymous replication package?

Set up an anonymous account at dropbox or a similar public file sharing service and place your (anonymized) package there. Include the URL in your submission (typically at the end).

Q: Do I have to provide a replication package?

There are good reasons not to provide a package. Typical reasons include (1) your approach is simple enough such that it can be fully described in the paper; (2) the concept of a replication package is not applicable because of your specific research methodology; or (3) parts of your research are confidential. Just state the reason in the paper, such that reviewers can assess it.

Q: How does one prepare an ICST 2020 submission for double-­blind reviewing?

In order to comply, you do not have to make your identity undiscoverable; the double­-blind aspect of the review process is not an adversarial identity discovery process. Essentially, the guiding principle should be to maximize the number of people who could plausibly be authors, subject to the constraint that no change is made to any technical details of the work. Therefore, you should ensure that the reviewers are able to read and review your paper without having to know who any of the authors are. Specifically, this involves at least the following four points:

  1. Omit all authors’ names, affiliations, emails and related information from the title page as well as in the paper itself.
  2. Refer to your own work in the third person. You should not change the names of your own tools, approaches or systems, since this would clearly compromise the review process. It breaks the constraint that “no change is made to any technical details of the work”. Instead, refer to the authorship or provenance of tools, approaches or systems in the third person, so that it is credible that another author could have written your paper.
  3. Anonymize project and grant names and numbers or those of funding agencies or countries as well as any acknowledgements of support to the work you report on.
  4. If necessary, set up an anonymous account at dropbox or a similar public file sharing service and place your (anonymized) package there. Include the URL in your submission (typically at the end).

We further expect you to follow the excellent advice on anonymization from ACM.

When anonymizing your email, affiliations, name, etc., try to refrain from being overly creative or “funny” by coming up with your own, anonymized versions. For emails preferably use author1@anon.org, author2@anon.org, etc., since initial DBR screening will be done by an automated tool.

Q: I previously published an earlier version of this work in a venue that does not have double-blind. What should I do about acknowledging that previous work?

Double-blind does not and cannot mean that it is impossible for the referees to discover the identity of the author. However, we require authors to help make it easy for author identity to not play a role in the reviewing process. Therefore, we ask that in the materials you submit to us to be reviewed author identity is not revealed.

If the work you are submitting for review has previously been published in a non-peer-reviewed venue (e.g., arXiv departmental tech report), there is no need to cite it, because unrefereed work is not truly part of the scientific literature. If the previous work is published in a peer-reviewed venue, then it should be cited, but in the third person so that it is not clear whether or not this work was done by the author of the submitted paper or some other set of authors unknown. However, if citing in the third person would still risk that it is easy to identify the authors please err on the side of caution by also anonymising the papers being extended (both when cited and in the reference list).

Q: Our submission makes use of work from a PhD/master’s thesis dissertation/report which has been published. Citing the dissertation might compromise anonymity. What should we do?

It is perfectly OK to publish work from a PhD/master’s thesis, and there is no need to cite it in the version submitted for review because prior dissertation publication does not compromise novelty. In the final (post-review, camera ready) version of the paper, please do cite the dissertation to acknowledge its contribution, but in the refereed version of the paper that you submit, please refrain from citing the dissertation.

However, you need not worry whether or not the dissertation has appeared, since your job is only to help the committee review your work without awareness of author identity, but not to make it impossible for them to discover the identity of authors. The referees will be trying hard not to discover the authors’ identity, so they will likely not be searching the web to check whether there is a dissertation related to this work.

Q: I am submitting to the industry track. Should I double-blind my submission?

No you should not. Since industry papers typically relies heavily on the industrial or practical context in which the work was carried out it would be too much to ask to require this context to be anonymized.

Q: I want to include a link to an online appendix in my submission. How should I do this?

Ideally the information in the appendix should be anonymous and it should be uploaded to an anonymous service such as for example figshare or create a new github (or other) sharing account that is not associated with your real name. These sites will give you a link that is anonymous. Later, if the paper is accepted you can turn that link into a non-anonymized link or just put the appendix on your own site and change the link in the camera ready version of the paper. An alternative solution is to not include the link in the submission; normally papers should be possible to review based on only the material of the paper itself.

To upload material on figshare please create an account there, then add a new item, use the keywords “Supplemental Materials” and add the other item-specific data and then select “Make file(s) confidential” and select “Generate private link”. Copy the url generated there and then “Save changes”. Your file(s) can now be accessed anonymously at the given url so you can put it in your ICST submission.

Q: What if we want to cite some unpublished work of our own (as motivation for example)

If the unpublished paper is an earlier version of the paper you want to submit to ICST and is currently under review, then you have to wait until your earlier version is through its review process before you can build on it with further submissions (this would be considered double-submission and violates ACM plagiarism policy and procedures). Otherwise, if the unpublished work is not an earlier version of the proposed ICST submission, then you should simply make it available on a website, for example, and cite it in the third person to preserve anonymity, as you are doing with others of your works.

Q: Can I disseminate non-blinded version of my submitted work by discussing it with colleagues, giving talks, publishing it at ArXiV, etc.?

You can discuss and present your work that is under submission at small meetings (e.g., job talks, visits to research labs, a Dagstuhl or Shonan meeting), but you should avoid broadly advertising it in a way that reaches the reviewers even if they are not searching for it. For example, you are allowed to put your submission on your home page and present your work at small professional meetings. However, you should not discuss your work with members of the program committee, publicize your work on mailing lists or media that are widely shared and can reach the program committee, or post your work on ArXiV or a similar site just before or after submitting to the conference.

Questions? Use the ICST Research Papers contact form.