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ICST 2020
Sat 24 - Wed 28 October 2020 Porto, Portugal
Sun 25 Oct 2020
Mon 26 Oct 2020
Tue 27 Oct 2020
ICST Industry Track
ICST Journal-First Papers
ICST Research Papers
ICST Testing Tools Track
ICST Tool Demos Track
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Sun 25 Oct

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

09:00 - 09:15
Intro & WelcomeResearch Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room +11h
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC, Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Day opening
Intro & Welcome
Research Papers

09:15 - 10:45
IT1 - Test Generation & RefactoringIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
Parallelization of Classical Numerical Optimization in Quantum Variational Algorithms
Industry Track
Marco Pistoia JPMorgan Chase & Co, Peng Liu Google, Chun-Fu Richard Chen IBM, Shaohan Hu IBM, Stephen Wood IBM
Link to publication DOI
SPECMATE: Automated Creation of Test Cases from Acceptance Criteria
Industry Track
Jannik Fischbach Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Vogelsang University of Cologne, Dominik Spies Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Wehrle Qualicen GmbH, Maximilian Junker Qualicen GmbH, Dietmar Freudenstein Allianz Deutschland AG
Link to publication DOI
Tool Support for Refactoring Manual Tests
Industry Track
Elodie Bernard FEMTO-ST Institute, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Sogeti, Julien Botella Smartesting, Fabrice Ambert FEMTO-ST Institute, Bruno Legeard FEMTO-ST / DISC, Mark Utting University of the Sunshine Coast
Link to publication DOI
16:15 - 17:15
Keynote 1Research Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
One-click formal methods
Research Papers
Link to publication
20:00 - 20:15
Intro & WelcomeResearch Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room
Chair(s): João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC, Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Day opening
Intro & Welcome
Research Papers

20:15 - 21:45
IT1 - Test Generation & RefactoringIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): John Micco VMware
Parallelization of Classical Numerical Optimization in Quantum Variational Algorithms
Industry Track
Marco Pistoia JPMorgan Chase & Co, Peng Liu Google, Chun-Fu Richard Chen IBM, Shaohan Hu IBM, Stephen Wood IBM
Link to publication DOI
SPECMATE: Automated Creation of Test Cases from Acceptance Criteria
Industry Track
Jannik Fischbach Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Vogelsang University of Cologne, Dominik Spies Qualicen GmbH, Andreas Wehrle Qualicen GmbH, Maximilian Junker Qualicen GmbH, Dietmar Freudenstein Allianz Deutschland AG
Link to publication DOI
Tool Support for Refactoring Manual Tests
Industry Track
Elodie Bernard FEMTO-ST Institute, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Sogeti, Julien Botella Smartesting, Fabrice Ambert FEMTO-ST Institute, Bruno Legeard FEMTO-ST / DISC, Mark Utting University of the Sunshine Coast
Link to publication DOI

Mon 26 Oct

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

10:45 - 12:15
IT2 - MiscIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Luís Cruz Deflt University of Technology
EC.LANG - A Language for Specifying Response Time Analyses of Event Chains
Industry Track
Max Friese Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Johannes Traub Daimler AG, Dirk Nowotka Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Link to publication DOI
Detecting Higher-Order Merge Conflicts in Large Software Projects
Industry Track
Thorsten Wuensche SAP SE, Artur Andrzejak Heidelberg University, Sascha Schwedes SAP SE
Link to publication DOI
Scaling Test Case Generation For Expressive Decision Tables
Industry Track
Supriya Agrawal Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), R Venkatesh Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Ulka Shrotri Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Amey Zare Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Sagar Verma Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)
Link to publication DOI
20:00 - 20:30
Most Influential Paper AwardsResearch Papers / Tool Demos Track / Journal-First Papers / Industry Track / Testing Tools Track at Plenary Room
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, João Pascoal Faria Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
Using Mutation to Automatically Suggest Fixes for Faulty ProgramsDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Media Attached
Searching for a needle in a haystack predicting security vulnerabilities for Windows VistaDistinguished Paper Award
Research Papers
Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research, Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft Research, USA, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University
Media Attached
21:45 - 23:15
IT2 - MiscIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
EC.LANG - A Language for Specifying Response Time Analyses of Event Chains
Industry Track
Max Friese Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Johannes Traub Daimler AG, Dirk Nowotka Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Link to publication DOI
Detecting Higher-Order Merge Conflicts in Large Software Projects
Industry Track
Thorsten Wuensche SAP SE, Artur Andrzejak Heidelberg University, Sascha Schwedes SAP SE
Link to publication DOI
Scaling Test Case Generation For Expressive Decision Tables
Industry Track
Supriya Agrawal Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), R Venkatesh Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Ulka Shrotri Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Amey Zare Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS), Sagar Verma Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)
Link to publication DOI

Tue 27 Oct

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

10:00 - 11:00
IT3 - Safety & SecurityIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria) +11h
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Generating Avoidable Collision Scenarios for Testing Autonomous Driving Systems
Industry Track
Alessandro Calò Technical University of Munich, Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics , Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Florian Hauer Technical University of Munich, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics
Link to publication DOI
Checking Security Properties of Cloud Service REST APIs
Industry Track
Vaggelis Atlidakis Columbia University, Patrice Godefroid Microsoft Research, USA, Marina Polishchuk Microsoft Research, USA
Link to publication DOI
21:00 - 22:00
IT3 - Safety & SecurityIndustry Track at Farfetch (D. Maria)
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Generating Avoidable Collision Scenarios for Testing Autonomous Driving Systems
Industry Track
Alessandro Calò Technical University of Munich, Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics , Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Florian Hauer Technical University of Munich, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics
Link to publication DOI
Checking Security Properties of Cloud Service REST APIs
Industry Track
Vaggelis Atlidakis Columbia University, Patrice Godefroid Microsoft Research, USA, Marina Polishchuk Microsoft Research, USA
Link to publication DOI

Call for Papers

ICST 2020 invites high quality submissions in all areas of software testing, verification, and validation. The industry track has the same topics and requires the same rigorousness as the research track. However, the industry track papers should prioritize impact and realism over novelty. We expect that industry track publications report useful testing tools, successful stories and experiences when applying software testing theories and methodologies into practice, or promising prototypes that have the potential to impact practice in the next few years. Ideally they should be evaluated on real-world, industrial data, and discuss non-functional aspects such as scalability and reliability, and also compare to pre-existing industrial best practices. The industry track papers will be published in the ICST 2020 proceedings and listed by IEEE databases.

Topics of interest include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Domain specific testing, such as: Autonomous vehicles, advanced control systems, mobile or web app testing, embedded systems testing, concurrent systems, GUI testing, etc.
  • Formal verification
  • Model based testing
  • Model checking
  • Search based software testing
  • Security testing
  • Software reliability
  • Test automation
  • Testability and design
  • Testing and development processes
  • Testing education
  • Testing / debugging frameworks and tools
  • Applications of software testing theories in practice
  • Empirical studies
  • Experience reports

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the ICST Program Committee.


Industry papers must conform to the two-column IEEE conference publication format. Templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available from http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html: please use the letter format template and conference option.

Papers should be submitted in the PDF format: they must not exceed ten pages, plus up to two pages of references. Submissions will be handled via EasyChair.

Papers must neither have been previously accepted for publication nor be under submission in another conference or journal.

For your paper to be published in the ICST 2020 conference proceedings, at least one of the authors of the paper must register for the conference and confirm that she/he will present the paper in person.

Submission Site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icst2020

Important Dates (all dates are AoE)

  • October 14th, 2019: Submission of Industry Track Papers as well as research papers
  • December 10th, 2019: Author Notification
  • Main Conference: March 23-27th, 2020

Double Blind

Industry track papers do not need to be double-blinded. Since industry papers typically rely heavily on the industrial/practical context in which the work was carried out it would be too much to ask to require this context to be anonymized. Please contact the industry track chairs if you have more questions.


Q: Does the industry track accept abstracts or short papers**?**

A: No. The industry track has the same rigorousness as the research papers, therefore, the industry track papers need to present the motivation, methodology, design of experiments / case studies, results, discussions, and related work in a clear and comprehensive way. Abstracts or short papers don't have enough room to incorporate these required and important contents.

Q: My paper has less than 10 pages, can I submit it to the industry track?

A: Yes, as long as your paper clearly presents the motivation, methodology, design of experiments / case studies, results, discussions, and related work.

Questions? Use the ICST Industry Track contact form.