MSR 2023
Dates to be announced Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023

ICSE Soccer

Prepare to score goals and blast with your fellow ICSE attendees at our traditional ICSE soccer game! Whether you're a seasoned player or just looking to have some fun, this is the perfect opportunity to show off your skills on the field and connect with others who share your passion for the sport. We will provide soccer balls, water and some fruits/quick bites.

Date: May 18th 2023, at 16:15
Location: Melbourne University Sport,
103 The University of Melbourne, Tin Alley, Parkville VIC 3082
Requirements: Athletic wear and shoes

ICSE Run+Walk
As per ICSE tradition, there will be a morning run/walk around Albert Park Lake ( Albert Park is part of an Aboriginal cultural landscape in the traditional Country of the Bunurong People. Home to the Australian Grand Prix, Albert park is an iconic site in the rich Australian sporting culture. We will have a 5km (4.9 kms to be precise) run in Albert Park. We will begin at 07:00 sharp. Even if you do not intend to run, join us and cheer for the ICSE runners and enjoy a beautiful morning in Albert Park.

Date: May 18th 2023, at 07:00 (sharp) - arrive 10-15 mins early
Starting Point: Swan Picnic Area, Albert Park [-37.8385430656011, 144.96724563067673]

Requirements: Athletic wear and shoes Swan Picnic Area, Albert Park [-37.8385430656011, 144.96724563067673]



Join us for a rejuvenating yoga session at ICSE! The session (everyday on the main conference day) is open to all attendees and is suitable for all levels. Our yoga instructor will guide you through some poses that will help you stretch, relax, and find your inner calm amidst all the other ICSE fun.

Date: May 17th - May 19th 2023, at 07:45
Location: Conference Venue (Refer to the program)

Requirements: Comfortable clothing and mat/towel (if you can bring one along) Conference Venue Wed-Fri, 07:45 - 08:30

ICSE ECRs and PhDs Breakfast

At ICSE'23, we will host a breakfast event for early career researchers (e.g., researchers with five or fewer years of post-PhD experience) and PhD students. This will be an opportunity for the ECRs and PhDs to meet peers and seniors, build new networks, discuss topics that interest them, e.g. writing, publication, job search, career progression, setting up collaborations, mental health etc., and have a fun time together over breakfast.

Date: May 18th at 08:00 (sharp)
Location: Conference Venue (Refer to the program)

ICSE Regional Breakfast

In the past few years, there has been limited visibility of the Australasian community in SE. The breakfast is a community-building activity for joint research collaboration opportunities, joint hosting of key conferences, and increased representation in the key conferences and decision-making committees. The breakfast will also be an opportunity to learn a little bit more about the indigenous background of Australia with a speech from Prof. Chris Lawrence (Associate Dean (Indigenous) at Monash University). It will also be an opportunity to gauge how the SE researchers can engage with the local indigenous communities. We will have dedicated activities and discussions around both topics: (i) increased visibility of the Australasian SE community and (ii) increased engagement of the SE community with the local communities.

Date: May 19th at 07:45 (sharp)
Location: Conference Venue (Refer to the program)
Requirements: Registration Conference Venue Fri, 07:45

Women@ICSE Lunch

Wednesday, 17th May during scheduled lunch time. Location: refer to the program tab.



Thursday, 18th May during scheduled lunch time. Location: refer to the program tab.



Friday, 19th May during scheduled lunch time. Location: refer to the program tab.


Conversation Café on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Wednesday, 17th May, 3-4pm, led by Joshua Garcia. Location: Convention centre foyer.

In the EDI Conversation Café we will have a conversation about how we, as software engineering researchers, can take EDI into account during our working lives, what it means to us that others around us agree with / do not agree with EDI remits, and what actions we can take to support EDI in our workplace.

  1. Diversity means the variety of personal experiences, values, backgrounds, identities, and worldviews—such differences include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and geographic region. 
  2. Equity means creating fair access, opportunity, and advancement for the diversity of people described above while striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of marginalized groups.
  3. Inclusion means creating environments in which any individual or group is and feels welcomed, respected, supported, listened to, valued, and has a sense of belonging within that environment.
  4. References:



Conversation Café on Wellness in Academia

Thursday, 18th May, 3-4pm, , led by Mansooreh Zahedi. Location: Convention centre foyer.

During the past few years, there has been an increasing concern among academics and researchers (particularly early-career) about the expectations required from them to succeed in their careers. In this café we will have a discussion about the challenges and wellness concerns that people have, whether the requirements from academic / research careers have changed in the past decade, and strategies which might be used to support individuals who are building their careers in software engineering academia / research.


Book Club discussion

Thursday, 18th May, one hour before conference start time, moderated by Ita Richardson.

In the Book Club we will review Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez. Participants should read the book before attending the club, where they will be led in a discussion about the content and relevance of the book.