MSR 2023
Dates to be announced Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023

Towards Code-Aware AI Models for Code

The past decade has seen unprecedented growth in Software Engineering— developers spend enormous time and effort to create new products. With such enormous growth comes the responsibility of producing and maintaining quality and robust software. In this talk, I will discuss how AI can help develop quality products in different stages of the software development life cycle. In particular, I will discuss how we can build AI models leveraging different static and dynamic code properties for source and binary code to automate diverse Software Engineering tasks, including code generation, bug finding, security analysis, etc.


Dr. Baishakhi Ray is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University, NY, USA. She has received the prestigious IEEE TCSE Rising star award and NSF CAREER award. Baishakhi’s research interest is in the intersection of Software Engineering and Machine Learning. Her research has been acknowledged by many Distinguished Paper awards and has also been published in CACM Research Highlights, and has been widely covered in trade media.


Towards Code-Aware AI Models for Code
Tue 16 May 2023
MSR Awards
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MSR Industry Track
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MSR Vision and Reflection
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Tue 16 May

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09:00 - 09:45
KeynoteKeynotes at Meeting Room 109
Chair(s): Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne
Towards Code-Aware AI Models for Code
K: Baishakhi Ray Columbia University