ASE 2023
Mon 11 - Fri 15 September 2023 Kirchberg, Luxembourg
Wed 13 Sep 2023 13:55 - 14:08 at Room D - Open Source and Software Ecosystems 2 Chair(s): Paul Grünbacher

Proper incentives are important for motivating developers in open-source communities, which is crucial for maintaining the development of open-source software healthy. To provide such incentives, an accurate and objective developer contribution measurement method is needed. However, existing methods rely heavily on manual peer review, lacking objectivity and transparency. The metrics of some automated works about effort estimation use only syntax-level or even text-level information, such as changed lines of code, which lack robustness. Furthermore, some works about identifying core developers provide only a qualitative understanding without a quantitative score or have some project-specific parameters, which makes them not practical in real-world projects. To this end, we propose CValue, a multidimensional information fusion-based approach to measure developer contributions. CValue extracts both syntax and semantic information from the source code changes in four dimensions: modification amount, understandability, inter-function and intra-function impact of modification. It fuses the information to produce the contribution score for each of the commits in the projects. Experimental results show that CValue outperforms other approaches by 19.59% on 10 real-world projects with manually labeled ground truth. We validated and proved that the performance of CValue, which takes 83.39 seconds per commit, is acceptable to be applied in real-world projects. Furthermore, we performed a large-scale experiment on 174 projects and detected 2,282 developers having inflated commits. Of these, 2,050 developers did not make any syntax contribution; and 103 were identified as bots.

Wed 13 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

13:30 - 15:00
Open Source and Software Ecosystems 2Research Papers / Journal-first Papers / Industry Showcase (Papers) at Room D
Chair(s): Paul Grünbacher Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Personalized First Issue Recommender for Newcomers in Open Source Projects
Research Papers
Wenxin Xiao School of Computer Science, Peking University, Jingyue Li Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Hao He Carnegie Mellon University, Ruiqiao Qiu Beijing Institute of Technology, Minghui Zhou Peking University
Understanding and Enhancing Issue Prioritization in GitHub
Research Papers
Yingying He Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Wenhua Yang Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Minxue Pan Nanjing University, Yasir Hussain Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Yu Zhou Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Research paper
Who is the Real Hero? Measuring Developer Contribution via Multi-dimensional Data Integration
Research Papers
Yuqiang Sun Nanyang Technological University, Zhengzi Xu Nanyang Technological University, Chengwei Liu Nanyang Technological University, Yiran Zhang Nanyang Technological University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University
Predicting Health Indicators for Open Source Projects (using Hyperparameter Optimization)
Journal-first Papers
Tianpei Xia North Carolina State University, Wei Fu North Carolina State University, Rui Shu North Carolina State University, Rishabh Agrawal North Carolina State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
To Share, or Not to Share: Exploring Test-Case Reusability in Fork Ecosystems
Research Papers
Mukelabai Mukelabai The University of Zambia, Zambia, Christoph Derks Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, Jacob Krüger Eindhoven University of Technology, Thorsten Berger Ruhr University Bochum
File Attached
LiSum: Open Source Software License Summarization with Multi-Task LearningRecorded talk
Research Papers
Linyu Li , Sihan Xu Nankai University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Ya Gao Nankai University, Xiangrui Cai Nankai University, Jiarun Wu Nankai University, Wenli Song Civil Aviation University of China, Zheli Liu Nankai University
Pre-print Media Attached
Open Source Software Tools for Data Management and Deep Model Training Automation
Industry Showcase (Papers)
Umut Tıraşoğlu ORDULU Corp., Abdussamet Türker ORDULU Corp., Adnan Ekici ORDULU Corp., Hayri Yiğit ORDULU Corp., Yusuf Enes Bölükbaşı ORDULU Corp., Toygar Akgun TOBB ETU