ASE 2024
Sun 27 October - Fri 1 November 2024 Sacramento, California, United States

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct 2024 13:30 - 13:45 at Magnoila - Android

Android applications (apps) widely use third-party libraries (TPLs) to reuse functionalities and simplify the development process. Unfortunately, these TPLs often suffer from vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit, leading to catastrophic consequences for app users. To mitigate this threat, researchers have developed tools to detect TPL versions in the app. If an app is found to use a vulnerable version, these tools will issue warnings. Although these tools claim to resist the effects of code obfuscation, our preliminary study indicates that code optimization is common during the app release process. A lack of consideration for the impact of code optimizations significantly reduces the effectiveness of existing tools. To fill this gap, this work systematically investigates how and to what extent different optimization strategies affect existing tools. Our findings have led to a new tool named LibHunter, designed to against major code optimization strategies (e.g., Inlining and CallSite Optimization) while also resisting code obfuscation and shrinking. Extensive evaluations on a dataset of apps with optimization, obfuscation, and shrinking enabled show LibHunter significantly outperforms existing tools. It achieves F1 value that surpass the best tools by 29.3% and 36.1% at the library and version levels, respectively. We also applied LibHunter to detect vulnerable TPLs in the top Google Play apps, which shows the scalability of our approach, as well as the potential of our approach to facilitate malware detection.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

13:30 - 15:00
How Does Code Optimization Impact Third-party Library Detection for Android Applications?
Research Papers
Zifan Xie Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Ming Wen Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tinghan Li Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Yiding Zhu Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Qinsheng Hou Shandong University; Qi An Xin Group Corp., Hai Jin Huazhong University of Science and Technology
MaskDroid: Robust Android Malware Detection with Masked Graph Representations
Research Papers
Jingnan Zheng National University of Singapore, Jiahao Liu National University of Singapore, An Zhang , Jun ZENG Huawei, Ziqi Yang Zhejiang University, Zhenkai Liang National University of Singapore, Tat-Seng Chua National University of Singapore
A Longitudinal Analysis Of Replicas in the Wild Wild Android
Research Papers
Syeda Mashal Abbas Zaidi University of Waterloo, Shahpar Khan University of Waterloo, Parjanya Vyas University of Waterloo, Yousra Aafer University of Waterloo
Android Malware Family Labeling: Perspectives from the Industry
Industry Showcase
Liu Wang Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Haoyu Wang Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tao Zhang Macau University of Science and Technology, Haitao Xu Zhejiang University, Guozhu Meng Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peiming Gao MYbank, Ant Group, Chen Wei MYbank, Ant Group, Yi Wang
DexBERT: Effective, Task-Agnostic and Fine-grained Representation Learning of Android Bytecode
Journal-first Papers
Tiezhu Sun University of Luxembourg, Kevin Allix Independent Researcher, Kisub Kim Singapore Management University, Singapore, Xin Zhou Singapore Management University, Singapore, Dongsun Kim Korea University, David Lo Singapore Management University, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé University of Luxembourg, Jacques Klein University of Luxembourg
Same App, Different Behaviors: Uncovering Device-specific Behaviors in Android Apps
Industry Showcase
Zikan Dong Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Yanjie Zhao Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tianming Liu Monash Univerisity, Chao Wang University of Southern California, Guosheng Xu Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Guoai Xu Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, Lin Zhang The National Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center of China (CNCERT/CC), Haoyu Wang Huazhong University of Science and Technology