ECSA 2022
Mon 19 - Fri 23 September 2022 Prague, Czech Republic
Fri 23 Sep 2022 09:10 - 09:15 at S4 - Architecting for data-driven systems Chair(s): Jan Carlson, Anne Koziolek

Data streaming applications are an important class of data-intensive systems and performance is an essential quality of such systems. Current component-based performance prediction approaches are not sufficient for modeling and predicting the performance of those systems, because the models require elaborate manual engineering to approximate the behavior of data streaming applications that include stateful asynchronous operations, such as windowing operations, and because the simulations for these models do not support the metrics that are specific to data streaming applications. In this paper, we present a modeling language, a simulation and a case-study-based evaluation of the prediction accuracy of an approach for modeling systems that contain stateful asynchronous operations. Our approach directly represents these operations and simulates their behavior. We compare measurements of relevant performance metrics to performance simulation results for a system that processes smart meter readings. To assess the prediction accuracy of our model, we vary both the configuration of the streaming application, such as window sizes, as well as the characteristics of the input data, i.e., the number of smart meters. Our evaluation shows that our model yields prediction results that are competitive with a state-of-the-art baseline model without incurring the additional manual engineering overhead.

Fri 23 Sep

Displayed time zone: Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague change

09:00 - 10:30
Architecting for data-driven systemsResearch Papers / Tools & Demos / Industry Program at S4
Chair(s): Jan Carlson Malardalen University, Anne Koziolek Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
ProML: A Decentralised Architecture for Provenance Management of Machine Learning Software SystemsBest paper candidate
Research Papers
A: Nguyen Khoi Tran The University of Adelaide, A: Bushra Sabir , A: Muhammad Ali Babar The University of Adelaide, A: Nini Cui , A: Mehran Abolhasan , A: Justin Lipman
A systematic survey of architectural approaches and trade-offs in data de-identification
Research Papers
A: Dimitri Van Landuyt KU Leuven, Belgium, A: Wouter Joosen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Accurate Performance Predictions with Component-based Models of Data Streaming ApplicationsBest paper candidate
Research Papers
A: Dominik Werle Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, A: Stephan Seifermann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, A: Anne Koziolek Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
DAT: A Tool for Data Architecture for IoT
Tools & Demos
A: Moamin Abughazala University of L'Aquila, A: Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy, A: Mohammad Sharaf
Media Attached
Blockchain-based Architecture of Immutable Document Repository
Industry Program
Research Papers

Information for Participants
Fri 23 Sep 2022 09:00 - 10:30 at S4 - Architecting for data-driven systems Chair(s): Jan Carlson, Anne Koziolek
Info for session

Each paper is presented as a 5-minute pitch talk at the beginning. The rest of the session is a discussion.

Info for room S4:

After reaching the 3rd floor (either by elevator or the main staircase), turn right.
