ECSA 2024
Tue 3 - Fri 6 September 2024 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Engineering software-defined vehicles is a cross - organisational effort. As vehicle manufacturers continuously integrate software releases from different organisations, integration bugs can occur. These bugs are a consequence of misalignment in interfaces and signals (periodic or event-driven data transfers) between different system parts. Besides functional alignment, embedded systems also have strong integration requirements regarding proper triggering of interfaces and quality (e.g., temporal) properties of their signals. While most of the approaches focus on functional alignment of interfaces, the alignment specific to embedded systems are often overlooked. If these bugs remain undetected until the final integration stages (deployment of software to real hardware), they can introduce significant delivery delays. To solve the problem of detecting the misalignment in interface and signals in early integration stages, we complement Agile (Scrum) methodology with a new process. To do so, we prescribe our framework for Software embedded system integration in Cross-organizational Agile TeamS (SCATS framework). The goal of SCATS is to transparently manage decisions about interfaces and their changes. This reduces the number of bugs that propagate to the later integration stages, and effectively reduce delivery delays. Results of our industrial case study demonstrate that SCATS achieves these goals with minimal overhead.

I am working as a Director of Studies in Computer Science at Queens´ college, Cambridge. I am also a visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge, UK. I completed my PhD with the topic “Supervised Testing of Embedded Concurrent Software” at University of Kaiserslautern in October 2020. For 7 and a half years, I was working as a researcher and a project manager in Embedded Software department at Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering. Also, I was working as a coordinator of European Master Program in Software Engineering for University of Kaiserslautern.

Wed 4 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

14:00 - 15:30
Technical Session 2: Architecture documentationResearch Papers at Hollenfels
Chair(s): Lionel Seinturier University of Lille
The Execution Perspective in Software Architecture Descriptions: A Systematic MappingResearch Paper
Research Papers
Tales Viglioni IRISA (France), UBS (France), UFRN (Brazil), IFPE (Brazil), Thais Batista Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Everton Cavalcante Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Flavio Oquendo IRISA (UMR CNRS) - Univ. Bretagne-Sud (UBS)
Architectural Views: The State of Practice in Open-Source Software ProjectsBest Paper Award CandidateResearch Paper
Research Papers
Sofia Migliorini University of Florence, Roberto Verdecchia University of Florence, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Enrico Vicario University of Florence
SCATS Framework for Software Integration in Software-Defined Vehicle with Cross-Organizational Agile TeamsShort Paper
Research Papers
Jasmin Jahic University of Cambridge, UK
An Analysis of MLOps Architectures: A Systematic Mapping StudyBest Paper Award CandidateResearch Paper
Research Papers
Faezeh Amou Najafabadi Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam