ICT4S 2023
Mon 5 - Sat 10 June 2023 RENNES, France

Education is widely recognized as important to achieve the urgent and unprecedented societal transformation towards sustainability that is needed. As research on ICT and sustainability grows, also education on ICT and sustainability is developed and researched. To what extent do these initiatives engage with the fact that university education at large is complicit in reproducing the unsustainable status quo? Even well-intentioned work on education for sustainability has been critiqued for limiting possibilities for change. In this keynote, I present research on how university education reproduces unsustainable norms, values and power structures, focusing on the field of computing and engineering education. I give an overview of ongoing efforts to transform computing and engineering education for sustainability and discuss their possibilities and limitations. I argue that in order to utilise the potential of education for large-scale and fundamental change, education needs to be reimagined and developed with recognition of its complexity, various roles and purposes. I present recent research on education for paradigm shifts, decolonial futures, or β€œthe end of the world as we know it” as well as education activities building on this research. With this keynote, I hope to inspire new discussions and educational activities for sustainability within the ICT4S community and beyond.

Wed 7 Jun

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

09:30 - 10:30
On the complexities, challenges, and possibilities of ICT education for rapid, unprecedented change of society Keynotes at Amphitheater
Chair(s): Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers
On the complexities, challenges, and possibilities of ICT education for rapid, unprecedented change of society
Anne Peters KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden