MSR 2023
Dates to be announced Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Tue 16 May 2023 11:24 - 11:30 at Meeting Room 110 - Code Smells Chair(s): Md Tajmilur Rahman

The extraction of features is an essential step in the process of mining software repositories. An important feature that has been actively studied in the field of mining software repositories is bad code smells. Bad code smells are patterns in the source code that indicate an underlying issue in the design and implementation of the software. Several tools have been proposed to extract code smells. However, currently there are no tools that extract a significant number of code smells from software written in C++. Therefore, we propose CLEAN++ (Code smeLls ExtrActioN for c++). It is an extension of a robust static code analysis tool that implements 35 code smells. To evaluate CLEAN++, we ran it over 44 open-source projects and wrote test cases to validate each code smell. Also, we converted the test cases to Java and used two Java tools to validate the effectiveness of our tool. In the end, we confirmed that the CLEAN++ is successful at detecting code smells. The tool is available at

Tue 16 May

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

11:00 - 11:45
Don't Forget the Exception! Considering Robustness Changes to Identify Design Problems
Technical Papers
Anderson Oliveira PUC-Rio, João Lucas Correia Federal University of Alagoas, Leonardo Da Silva Sousa Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Wesley Assunção Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria & Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Daniel Coutinho PUC-Rio, Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio, Willian Oizumi GoTo, Caio Barbosa UFAL, Anderson Uchôa Federal University of Ceará, Juliana Alves Pereira PUC-Rio
Pre-trained Model Based Feature Envy Detection
Technical Papers
mawenhao Wuhan University, Yaoxiang Yu Wuhan University, Xiaoming Ruan Wuhan University, Bo Cai Wuhan University
CLEAN++: Code Smells Extraction for C++
Data and Tool Showcase Track
Tom Mashiach Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Bruno Sotto-Mayor Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Gal Kaminka Bar Ilan University, Israel, Meir Kalech Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
DACOS-A Manually Annotated Dataset of Code Smells
Data and Tool Showcase Track
Himesh Nandani Dalhousie University, Mootez Saad Dalhousie University, Tushar Sharma Dalhousie University
Pre-print File Attached
What Warnings Do Engineers Really Fix? The Compiler That Cried Wolf
Industry Track
Gunnar Kudrjavets University of Groningen, Aditya Kumar Snap, Inc., Ayushi Rastogi University of Groningen, The Netherlands