Mon 2 - Wed 4 December 2024 Tartu, Estonia

In domains such as aerospace, automotive, and medical devices, high-quality software is key due to the critical nature of these applications and the low margin for failure. Ensuring the quality of software is essential to prevent potentially catastrophic outcomes. In this paper, we present an approach to derive quality assurance plans from well-defined process models. Utilizing the GQM model, we derive quality requirements and metrics based on a process example, which we realize in the process management tool Stages. Based on the exemplary realization, we simulate 100 projects to provide data used in an recommendation system that enriches the process model such that quality assurance plans including the metrics of interest can be generated from the process model. Our findings show that, given sufficient data is available, context-specific quality assurance plans can be generated and which particular steps have to be taken to realize the overall concept in the studied tool.

Wed 4 Dec

Displayed time zone: Athens change

16:00 - 17:00
PROFES Session 12: AI for Testing and Quality AssuranceResearch Papers / Industry Papers / Short Papers and Posters at UT Library - Room 3 (Seminar Room Kodavere)
Chair(s): Hina Anwar University of Tartu
Exploring an Inclusion Relation on Test Cases for Identification Unit and Integration Test Cases
Short Papers and Posters
Ryu Okamoto Osaka University, Shinsuke Matsumoto Osaka University, Shinji Kusumoto Osaka University
Industry talk
On the Derivation of Quality Assurance Plans from Process Model Descriptions
Industry Papers
Julio Guzman Reutlingen University, Heiko Doerr UL Method Park GmbH, Christian Gruber Reutlingen University, Jürgen Münch Reutlingen University, Marco Kuhrmann Reutlingen University
Session 12 Discussion
Research Papers