Mon 2 - Wed 4 December 2024 Tartu, Estonia

Call For Paper

Short Papers

Short papers discuss work-in-progress and emerging results. We invite submissions of short papers (8 pages including figures, tables, and references) related to all the topics of interest at the conference. The track aims that short paper authors to gather early feedback from the software engineering community to continue their work on more solid grounds. The topics of interest for the short papers track are the same as the topics of the full papers track. The following types of contributions are welcome. Work-in-progress: Papers describing long-term objectives, the potential contributions of the research, the current state of the work, and the future steps. Validation is unnecessary, although evidence about the feasibility of the research is welcome: pilots, proofs of concept, etc. Emerging results: Papers that report preliminary research results, backed up by adequate evidence, but a full evaluation is not required. Manuscripts should adopt the usual structure of a full research paper, although details may be overlooked to fit the page count. Tool demos: Papers describing tools, including how the tool automates specific tasks, what kind of support it provides, and what software engineering practices it enables. We encourage discussing experiences and lessons learned when using the tools in real-world scenarios.

All papers must be submitted in PDF format according to the Submission Procedure. All accepted short papers will be published on the conference proceedings.


In this track, researchers will be able to publish late-breaking results, technical descriptions, smaller research contributions, and works-in-progress in a concise and visible format. The authors need to submit an extended abstract that summarizes: the problem addressed by the poster; the approach taken by the authors; the main results achieved so far. Submissions to the poster track must be written in English and are limited to 6 pages (including figures, tables, and references). All papers must be submitted in PDF format according to the Submission Procedure.

Accepted posters will be displayed in the conference venue during a face-to-face poster session, giving you an opportunity to engage in discussion with other attendees. All accepted poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Submission Submitted papers must conform to the Springer LNCS author guidelines. All papers must be submitted in PDF format according to the Submission Procedure. Papers must be submitted via Easychair by selecting the category (either short paper or poster):

Important Dates

  • Abstract (optional): July 29th
  • Submission: August 15th
  • Notification: September 16th
  • Camera ready: September 21st

Conference Attendance

PROFES2024 will be organized in presence. If a submission is accepted, at least one author must register to the conference and present the paper.