Mon 2 - Wed 4 December 2024 Tartu, Estonia

Requirements elicitation is a crucial activity in the software product lifecycle, ensuring a clear understanding of the user needs and project goals. This process guides the design, development, and validation phases, resulting in a successful and functional product. However, eliciting requirements often encounters the challenge of finding experts to gather, analyze, and validate the requirements. To address those challenges, this study aims to investigate the potential of Conversational AI, specifically utilizing OpenAI’s custom GPT, to elicit requirements through stakeholder interviews. Employing an iterative design science approach, ReqGenie was implemented to gather and summarize requirements from text-based interviews. A preliminary performance evaluation of ReqGenie, conducted by comparing its outputs with two existing Software Requirements Specification (SRS) documents, demonstrates promising results. The findings suggest that ReqGenie is particularly supportive for small-scale requirements elicitation tasks, including the software customization in product lines.

Tue 3 Dec

Displayed time zone: Athens change

14:00 - 15:30
PROFES Session 3: AI-Driven Approaches for Requirements EngineeringShort Papers and Posters / Research Papers / Industry Papers at UT Library - Room 2 (Seminar Room Tõstamaa)
Chair(s): Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers University of Technology
Research paper
Can Large Language Models (LLMs) compete with Human Requirement Reviewers? - Replication of an Inspection Experiment on Requirements Documents
Research Papers
Daniel Seifert Fraunhofer IESE, Lisa Jöckel Fraunhofer, Adam Trendowicz , Marcus Ciolkowski QAware, Thorsten Honroth , Andreas Jedlitschka Fraunhofer IESE
Industry talk
AI Act High-Risk Requirements Readiness: Industrial Perspectives and Case Company Insights
Industry Papers
Matthias Wagner Lund University, Rushali Gupta Lund University, Markus Borg CodeScene, Emelie Engstrom Lund University, Michal Lysek Independent Researcher
Early Results of an AI Multiagent System for Requirements Elicitation and Analysis
Short Papers and Posters
Malik Sami Tampere University, Muhammad Waseem University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, Zheying Zhang Tampere University, Zeeshan Rasheed Tampere University, Kari Systa Tampere University, Pekka Abrahamsson Tampere University
ReqGenie: GPT-Powered Conversational-AI for Requirements Elicitation
Short Papers and Posters
Farnaz Fotrousi Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Theocharis Tavantzis Chalmers and University of Gothenburg
Session 3 Discussion
Research Papers