SEAMS 2019
Sat 25 - Sun 26 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019
Sat 25 May 2019 14:25 - 14:50 at Duluth - Autonomy Chair(s): Danny Weyns

With their increase, smartphones have become more integral components of our lives but do to their mobile nature it is not possible to develop a mobile application the same way another software system would be built. In order to always provide the full service, a mobile application needs to be able to detect and deal with changes of context it may be presented with. A suitable method to achieve this goal is self-adaptation. However, as of today it is difficult to have a clear view of existing research on self-adaptation in the context of mobile applications.
In this paper, we apply the systematic literature review methodology on selected peer-reviewed papers focusing on self-adaptability in the context of mobile applications. Out of 607 potentially relevant studies, we select 44 primary studies via carefully-defined exclusion and inclusion criteria. We then use known modelling dimensions for self-adaptive software systems as our classification framework, which we apply to all selected primary studies. Then, we synthesize the obtained data and produce a clear overview of the state of the art. The results of this study give a solid foundation to plan for future research and practice on self-adaptive mobile applications.

Sat 25 May

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14:00 - 15:30
AutonomySEAMS 2019 at Duluth
Chair(s): Danny Weyns KU Leuven
Machine Learning Meets Quantitative Planning: Enabling Self-Adaptation in Autonomous RobotsLong Paper
SEAMS 2019
Pooyan Jamshidi University of South Carolina, Javier Camara University of York, Bradley Schmerl Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University, David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University
Self-Adaptation in Mobile Apps: a Systematic Literature StudyLong Paper
SEAMS 2019
Eoin Grua Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Pre-print Media Attached
Applying Evolution and Novelty Search to Enhance the Resilience of Autonomous SystemsNIER
SEAMS 2019
Michael Langford Michigan State University, Glen Simon Michigan State University, Philip McKinley Michigan State University, Betty H.C. Cheng Michigan State University
Modelling and Analysing ResilientCyber-Physical SystemsNIER
SEAMS 2019
Amel Bennaceur The Open University, Carlo Ghezzi Politecnico di Milano, Kenji Tei Waseda University / National Institute of Informatics, Japan, Timo Kehrer Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin, Danny Weyns KU Leuven, Radu Calinescu University of York, UK, Schahram Dustdar TU Wien, Zhenjiang Hu National Institute of Informatics, Shinichi Honiden Waseda University / National Institute of Informatics, Japan, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics, Zhi Jin Peking University, Jeffrey Kramer , Marin Litoiu York University, Canada, Michele Loreti University of Camerino, Gabriel A. Moreno Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Hausi Müller University of Victoria, Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Canada, Laura Nenzi University of Trieste, Bashar Nuseibeh The Open University (UK) & Lero (Ireland), Liliana Pasquale University College Dublin & Lero, Ireland, Wolfgang Reisig Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, Heinz Schmidt RMIT Australia, Christos Tsigkanos Technische Universität Wien, Haiyan Zhao Peking University