ICT4S 2025
Mon 9 - Fri 13 June 2025 Dublin, Ireland

The international ICT4S conference brings together leading researchers in ICT for Sustainability with government and industry representatives with an interest in using, analysing, designing and deploying ICT for environmental and social sustainability. The conference will create discussion and movement towards a fundamental change in ICT systems among researchers, focusing on ICT effects on sustainability and development of sustainable ICT systems or applications.

The Hosts - University College Dublin

University College Dublin, Ireland has been chosen to host the ICT2025 Conference from June 9-13 2025. The conference will comprise of research papers, workshops, a doctorial symposium, poster presentations and demonstrations. Sponsored prizes will be awarded to best papers in various categories.

University College Dublin is Ireland’s largest university with over 35,000 students of which 9,500 are international students from over 50 countries.

Recognising that a more sustainable world requires a response by all sectors of society, ICT4S 2025 is planning more public engagement over the conference week with open workshops, talks and displays by public bodies, organisations and experts that the general public can attend. Businesses with a strong sustainability commitment will also be able to demonstrate and promote their products and services.

Global Participation Encouraged:The Concept of a Hub

ICT4S 2025 also aims to highlight the global aspects of sustainability; the challenges, issues and solutions, in an innovative way by the introduction of conference satellite Hubs. These are affiliated centres around the world, where attendees can conduct their own presentations and workshops live to the main conference at UCD.

The conference aims for a deep hybridization. Local and remote audiences will mix with local and remote presenters. This year the ICT4S organisers have taken this hybridization a stage further through by encouraging the formation of satellites Hubs to the main conference centre of UCD. It is aspiration of ICT4S 2025, to have hubs on all continents and be the First Global International Conference.

Hubs are typically, though not necessarily, university venues where conference attendees can convene as a local or regional group, and present papers to the group and to the main conference. The Hubs may also organise workshops, poster presentations and demonstrations on all aspects of sustainability, especially involving themes and issues specific to their regions. Some of the workshops, poster presentations and demonstrations may be activities solely engaging and visible to audiences at the hub.

To facilitate hubs in all time zones to participate fully in the conference, there will be appropriately early morning and late evening, live link-ups with hubs in zones far from that of the main conference. Furthermore, it may not be possible, or practical for certain hubs to attend all the conference and in these cases the regional hub organisers can attend at their own discretion.

ICT4S 2025 Online Magazine

To publicise and disseminate details and information on all the excellent contributions to sustainability made by the hubs around world, ICT4S 2025 will launch an on-line magazine, in January 2025, in advance of the conference, where hubs can post articles and stories of events, actions and developments concerning sustainability by individuals or groups in their respective regions. These will be submitted directly to the magazine by contributors using standard content entry templates that will be curated and edited. Since, the scope of the magazine is extremely wide and for the general public, the written style, content and format should take this into account.

To grow and develop connections and a community between all conference participants (attendees, presenters, hubs and businesses), ICT4S 2025 will launch in January 2025, an on-line magazine where participants in the lead-up to the conference can contribute details about events, stories, actions and developments about sustainability occurring in their lives and regions. One of the stories that the magazine will cover is a social media blog of attendees traveling to the conference by boat and train.

Commitment to Sustainability

ICT4S will also track the carbon footprint of all its activities, reduce them as far as possible and offset any unavoidable emissions through accredited carbon offset schemes.

In conclusion, ICT4S 2025 will be the first Global, International, Carbon Neutral Conference.