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LCTES 2020
Mon 15 - Fri 19 June 2020
co-located with PLDI 2020
Jianping Zeng

Registered user since Tue 19 Nov 2019

Name:Jianping Zeng

I am a final-year PhD candidate in the department of Computer Science at Purdue University. My research interests generally lie on designing more reliable and performant computing systems including server-class systems and energy-harvesting systems against soft errors and power failure. To achieve that goal, I usually codesign compiler and architecture to maintain a minimal hardware complexity while achieving high performance. My research work is usually published in top-tier system venues, e.g., PLDI, MICRO, HPDC, ISCA, and RTSS.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Purdue University, USA
Research interests:computer architecture and compiler


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