ASE 2023
Mon 11 - Fri 15 September 2023 Kirchberg, Luxembourg
Onur Kilincceker

Registered user since Mon 28 Aug 2023

Name:Onur Kilincceker

Onur Kilincceker, M.Sc. (Comp. Eng.), B.Sc. (Math.), and Eng. (Electronics), is a research associate at the University of Antwerp, Computer Science Department. Areas of his interest are model-based verification & validation of both software & hardware systems, model-based testing, and mutation testing. He is currently working on model-based ideal testing methods to show both the presence and absence of specific faults in software & hardware systems based on holistic testing (positive and negative testing (aka fuzz testing)) and mutation testing. He is also a scientific researcher at the EFFECTS project to integrate mutation testing of Simulink models in the industrial setting.

Affiliation:University of Antwerp and Flanders Make vzw
Research interests:Software Testing, Model-based Testing, Mutation Testing, Fuzz Testing


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