Registered user since Mon 2 Apr 2018
I am doctoral student in Informatics (Fall 2016-Present) at the University of California, Irvine. My advisor is Katie Salen. The focus of my Ph.D. research lies at the intersections of instructional design, service design for speech therapy, and game design using mobile applications for children with communication impairments. Prior to attending UCI, I worked as a bilingual Mandarin-English speech language pathologist across multiple educational and medical settings (e.g., private school, hospital, outpatient clinic) with children with developmental disabilities and adults with neurological disorders. I completed my M.A. in Communication Science and Disorders at the University of Texas, Austin in 2014, where I worked with Dr. Li Sheng for a master thesis on developing a language screener for bilingual Mandarin-English speaking preschoolers. I received my B.A. in Communication Disorders and Sciences at San Jose State University in 2011.
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