ECSA 2024
Tue 3 - Fri 6 September 2024 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Deniz Akdur

Registered user since Mon 27 Jun 2022

Name:Deniz Akdur

Dr. Deniz Akdur is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at ASELSAN, Inc., which is the largest Defense & Aerospace company of Turkey. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Architect for different companies in both Turkey and United Kingdom in Consumer Electronics sector.

Deniz received his BSc degree in Computer Science from Bilkent University and MSc & PhD degrees in Information Systems from Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.

He has always been enthusiastic about industry-academia collaborations and supports the idea, which proposes “Both academia and industry need and develop each other”. Hence, he always tries to bridge the gap between industry and academia with his industrial experiences and academic mindset. Besides ~20 years of industry career, he has also been working as Adjunct Faculty member and guest lecturer at different universities in Turkey to increase industry-academia collaborations on software engineering education.

His specialties and research interests include software engineering, software-intensive embedded systems, model-driven engineering and industry-academia collaborations.

Research interests:Software Engineering, Software-intensive Systems, Embedded Software, Software Modeling, Software Engineering Education, Industry-Academia Collaborations.


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