Registered user since Tue 3 Sep 2024
Dr. Saif Ur Rehman Khan is an Associate Professor, Head of Department Software Engineering, and a Director of NextGen Software Engineering Lab (NGSEL) at Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University (STMU), Park Road Campus, Pakistan. Before joining STMU, he was associated with COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Islamabad Campus, Pakistan. He has applied his insights and expertise to various innovative and technology-driven projects across start-ups in Software Engineering. He received a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia. He has been associated with academia and industry at various levels for the last 20 years. Dr. Khan authored 61 research papers including 35 published papers in impact-factor leading journals in the field of Software Engineering, Software Quality Assurance, Requirement Engineering, Software Process Improvement, Software Testing, Software Maintenance, Software Costing, and Software Project Management. His research interests are Emerging Issues in Software Engineering, Software Fairness Testing, Search-based Software Testing, Model-based Testing, Software Traceability, Software Maintenance and Evolution, Search-based Cost Estimation, and Empirical Studies. He is a former member of Software Requirements, Architecture & Reusability Engineering Lab (UM, Malaysia), and Center for Software Dependability (CSD) (MAJU, Pakistan). Dr. Khan has been an active member of the reviewer panels of several top-tier scientific journals and international conferences. He has served as Program Chair of international conferences (QRS 2022, QRS 2023, QRS 2024, WCIST 2023) and also a Technical Program Committee member of several national and international conferences including DEXA 2024, ComTech 2023, EASE 2023, DEXA 2023, IWCFS 2023, INMIC 2022, and FIT 2022. He has been awarded the most prestigious scholarship in Malaysia, Bright Sparks Scholarship Award (UM, Malaysia), Best Paper Presentation Award (FSKTM, UM, Malaysia), and Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Future Generation Computer System (FGCS) Journal. Dr. Khan is an Approved Ph.D. Supervisor for scholars funded by indigenous fellowship schemes of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.
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